4-Day Pre-reg!!


Woah! There's an event upcoming! It's a FOUR DAY EVENT! You can even PRE-REG FOR IT!!! You should do it! Now!!!!! :D

Pre-reging is a great way to save tons of money on the event, and it's super easy now that we have our amazing new form!

Please note that we are no longer accepting pre-reg's through our email address. Feel free to email questions to us, but any pre-reg's submitted to the email will be returned and you will be asked to use the form.

If you aren't sure you can make it, PRE-REG ANYWAYS! Pre-reging isn't a commitment signed in blood! It just helps us, your friendly neighborhood logistics team, make your check in super fast and super easy, saves you tons of money when you arrive (and by "tons" i mean $10, AKA all the money you need to feed yourself on ramen and Shasta for the weekend), and makes all of our lives a little easier. It also grants you the ability to skip our super awesome "I didn't pre-reg" form on Thursday night. While that Thursday night form IS super awesome, it is not nearly as much fun as doing the form in advance!

So pre-reg yourself away! And in case you missed it the first time, here's that link again!

If you have additional questions about pre-reging, please check our fantastic forum post on it!

IMPORTANT NOTE: We ask that ALL NPCs pre-reg as well, including NPC guildies. This is to ensure that your check in is as accurate and pleasant as possible, and that you get your gobbies and blankets in a timely manner. Thank you very much!

Pre-reg for a discount is CLOSED. You can still pre-reg and save yourself from the long line, but there will be no discount for doing so. If you think you will be coming, or might be coming, PRE-REG! :D Save your logistics team their sanity!

Current list of Pre-Regs: - Last updated 8/20/13 9:30 PM
Gavin V - Maealas
Shane R - Tanis
Skylor S - Istor
Dave T - Garrick
Christine W - Amory
Sean G - Snows
Bryan G - Polare
Amy M - Jemenfiche
Slayde S - Dreather
Rick R - Cael
Rhys M - Ryabel
Sara J - Amara
Ryan B - Asher*
Jeremy H - Vavarick
Mark S - Frayten
Holly P - Slice
Norm B - Karzel
Aaron A - Silverthorne
Erik B - Rothgar
Andy S - Tantarus
Ryan W - Luke
Sheena J - Thistle*
Daniel M - Ian
Lorne D - Shatrevar*
Jason W - Landon
Leigh-Ann M - Kiarra
Isaac H - Shin*
Lauren H - Sprig
Seth B - Alavatar
Joe H - Bhaskara
Torie M - Sage
Adam F - Boganzi
Matt W - Mortikai
Chantell W - Taloryn
Adam S - Avaran
Brittany S - Takara
Amanda G - Shay
Sharon R - Pasca
Evan R - Zeth
Lizzy M - Shelk
Kevin M - Flynn
David G - Jehyu*
Emily S - Kasuni
Cymryc M - Daylynn
Kevin M - Ulric*
Denise B - Taliya
David K - Maven
Tony M - Raganzi
Chas H - Basil
Jordan F - Vanyal
Thomas S - Oman
Joel L - Broddreck
Jeremy L - Nazmor
Justin L - Lucian
Samantha L - Sapphira
Joseph K - Malex
Mike L - Killian

*Character Transfers not received
**Pre-registration currently incomplete

Jorbie K
Barbara M
Gabriel DLA
Jamie G
Ben S
Jessica Beckett (New?)
Sori G
Brandon L
Chris Crewdson (New?)
Nick B

NPC Guild/Plot
Sean B
Nikki B
Brian J
Ron L
Cassandra J
Jordan M
Kirsten O
Ben T
Queenie T
Matt O
Jimmy H
Carmen S
Nate B
Will C
Derek T
Robert B

NPC Food (28)
Sean B
Nikki B
Brian J
Ron L
Cassandra J
Jordan M
Barbara M
Jorbie K
Gabriel DLA
Ben T
Queenie T
Jamie G
Ben S
Jessica B
Matt O
Jimmy H
Carmen S
Sori G
Dave T
Nate B
Brandon L
Chris C
Will C
Cymryc M
Adam F
Derek T
Denise B
Robert B

Character Transfers Received
Andy S
Rick R
Christine W
Daniel M
Holly P
Ryan W
Amy M
Adam S
Cymryc M
Leigh-Ann M
Amanda G
Mike S
Mike L
Joe H
Jeremy H
Jason W
Brittany S
Sharon R
Chas H
Thomas S

Late Pre-Reg's - Don't be on this list!! Pre-reg now!!
Only 10 days left to pre-reg! Don't be crazy! Do it now!!
Apparently I had some bad dates up here. All pre-reg information is due by August 16th, not August 22nd. The post has been fixed to reflect this.

One week to go before pre-reg ends. Yes, ONE WEEK TO GO!!!

DO IT! NOW! She has Ron's family hostage and won't let them go until we do!
Just another friendly reminder that the Pre-reg deadline is this Thursday the 15th. Get your Pre-reg in today to qualify for the pre-reg price!

Thank you.
Updated!!! Keep in mind, that deadline is incoming and incoming fast! Get those pre-reg's in!!!!
I sent in mine yesterday afternoon for Zeth. Did it not go through?
You might be the person I'm talking about here:

prashka said:
I have one person who pre-reg'd, but the pre-reg seems to have deleted large portions of the pre-reg. The person pre-reg'd as an Earth Caster at 3:33 PM on the 14th (today), and pre-reg'd an item called "Legion Box." If this is you, please resubmit your pre-reg ASAP.

Would you please resubmit your pre-reg? The form ate most of it (it's happened once before. Can I ask what you used to pre-reg? Your phone? IE?). Silly form.
prashka said:
You might be the person I'm talking about here:

prashka said:
I have one person who pre-reg'd, but the pre-reg seems to have deleted large portions of the pre-reg. The person pre-reg'd as an Earth Caster at 3:33 PM on the 14th (today), and pre-reg'd an item called "Legion Box." If this is you, please resubmit your pre-reg ASAP.

Would you please resubmit your pre-reg? The form ate most of it (it's happened once before. Can I ask what you used to pre-reg? Your phone? IE?). Silly form.

I used my iPhone, and have for every event we've used the Google doc. :(

Sorry about not seeing the message, I tend to not read so thoroughly on my iPhone.
No worries. I'll keep looking into the issue and see if there's a solution, but this is only the second time it's happened.

Your second pre-reg came in perfectly. :) Thanks for the resubmit.
Hey all, as a heads up, please donot submit build expenditures through the online form. We removed that option because it was confusing people and screwing up our pre-event stuff.

If you would like to spend build before the event, you need to email logistics@alliance-seattle.com. Please do not submit it through the pre-reg sheet.
Hey all! Pre-reg has officially closed, as an FYI, but that doesn't mean you can't still pre-reg!

Send us your information before the 4-day and we will do everything in our power to make sure you don't have to fill out the nasty Sheet of Doom! You won't get a discount, but at least you'll be able to skip the long line!!

So, thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has already pre-reg'd! Hugs and happiness to you all! To everyone else, let's do this! Get your stuff together and send in those pre-regs!!!!
Logistics is closed for the 4-day. If you sent anything yesterday or today, unless it is an absolute emergency, it will not be processed until after the event.

This is true of any purchase requests, pre-regs, etc.

Please deal with all of these at check in.

Thank you very much.
