A battle nears...

Sharaf al-Nasr

California / Arizona Staff
A group of six Royal Army soldiers ride down the mountain pass at a frantic pace toward Foriston. For the few on the road, they can see the soldiers appear to be on high alert, scanning the area constantly as they ride in full combat regalia. As they approach Foriston, the group slows to the towns entrance off the trade road. The lone archer of the group, being less armored quickly dismounts and runs down the road with rolled parchments in hand. His eyes are wide with anxious energy and he looks to the hills overlooking the town before running into the Broken Bard Tavern. After being inside a moment, the archer returns to the group after being called back. The archer posts another notice on the stone wall near to the entrance before mounting back up and moving on with the group.Evac Notice at Gate.jpg