Hello brothers and sisters! As your Regents have likely informed you, I was recently chosen as the new High Regent of the Council and Regent in Arbor. I hope that I can help the Council as well as our late friend Horatio and continue to bring prosperity and peace to Wayside. In pursuit of this, I've spoken with some of the Guilds and the Council and we've started some new programs and courses which will help build a better tomorrow. We will be making these announcements in the next months, but many of them will be years in the implementation. If we all work together and keep our eyes on the prize, I can see Wayside growing into a shining beacon of light across the land!
The first step the Council has taken is special assistance to the Earth Guild. Recent troubles has left the Guild in dire financial straits and shorted on members. In order to bolster both their coffers and their numbers the Order of the Light will be working in with them to properly train their members as well as build up their reserves. For the time being, Order Chapterhouses will be open to Earth Guild members and the Order's draw on the Guild banking will be extended. Earth Guild Warders will be trained in Order tactics as part of a special taskforce and given munitions to better protect the people.
All Earth Guild members must report to the nearest Order Chapterhouse where they will be issued special insignia to indicate their dual-guild status as well as food and lodging. Similarly, all Earth Warders must report for duty at the Arbor Chapterhouse where they will be bivouaced until they can be called into the proper training and regiments. Any Order or Earth guild members who have questions or problems with these statements can seek out my office in Arbor. I will be glad to work with everybody to smooth out problems.
Together, we will builld a better tomorrow!
From the Office of High Regent Renlee Firstborne
Arbor, Wayside
The first step the Council has taken is special assistance to the Earth Guild. Recent troubles has left the Guild in dire financial straits and shorted on members. In order to bolster both their coffers and their numbers the Order of the Light will be working in with them to properly train their members as well as build up their reserves. For the time being, Order Chapterhouses will be open to Earth Guild members and the Order's draw on the Guild banking will be extended. Earth Guild Warders will be trained in Order tactics as part of a special taskforce and given munitions to better protect the people.
All Earth Guild members must report to the nearest Order Chapterhouse where they will be issued special insignia to indicate their dual-guild status as well as food and lodging. Similarly, all Earth Warders must report for duty at the Arbor Chapterhouse where they will be bivouaced until they can be called into the proper training and regiments. Any Order or Earth guild members who have questions or problems with these statements can seek out my office in Arbor. I will be glad to work with everybody to smooth out problems.
Together, we will builld a better tomorrow!
From the Office of High Regent Renlee Firstborne
Arbor, Wayside