A Big list of Craftsmen Skills....

Marcena said:
I heard of someone even having a bunch of ranks in toe-picker! :p

This came from a friend that I gamed with at NERO. He thought a hobling with 10 ranks in toe picking would be funny as he could just pick up the gold and say, "Hey! I guess this got stuck there when I tromped through that Dragon's horde last night."
Haberdasher (seller of buttons, zippers, ribbons and sewing notions, alternatively a men's outfitter)
Scullery Maid
Pit Fighter
Con man (variation on snake oil salesman, more focused on running rigged bets, the medieval equivalent of the 419 scam)
I've just got to say, this is an amazing list. I love how many ideas there are on there I never would have thought of.

I had two on my first character that I don't see on this list: Selective Sheep Breeder (Sheep Husbandry) and Artistic Spoon Maker (Whittler)
Wait... did you select the sheep that would breed, or did you breed selective sheep?

And were the spoons themselves artistic, or were you, maker, merely both artistic and a maker of spoons?

jpariury said:
Wait... did you select the sheep that would breed, or did you breed selective sheep?

And were the spoons themselves artistic, or were you, maker, merely both artistic and a maker of spoons?


I bred miniatures, so that would be a yes to both parts of the question regarding sheep. I selectively bred selective sheep. Hmm... maybe if I ever play her again I'll have to add "Selective Sheep Shearer" that way people could say "She selectively shears selective sheep."
The spoon question would be answered similarly with yes, the spoons were artistic (and that would make the maker of spoons an artist, no?)
I don't think I noticed athlete on the list though there were several examples of athletes (like pit fighter and acrobat). There are many more types of athletes not on the list though.
Lector: A reader of lections; formerly, a person designated to read lessons to the illiterate.