A big thank you to those who helped rescue our children.


To whoever it was that helped Jonah get to our children,

Thank you. Derek is doing well. His cut is healing. However, he says that he wants to grow up to be a barbarian and keeps spitting on it when we put the bandages on and saying it'll help it heal. I would like to know who it was that put those ideas in his head. Jenna is fine, just a little shaken up. Our stores of canned goods are slightly diminished, but no bother, this is a good time of year to have that problem. That trail that sprung up is going back to seed, but we're going to be watching the children very carefully for the next while. Again, thank you.

Merryl Brooks
Miss Brooks,

Just to make sure, I'll organize a small group to scout out that trail and make sure wherever they came from those gnolls are aware that your house isnt a healthy place for them to go.

If you'd like, I can make you a small loan, interest free, or find some additional work for Jonah at one of the local shops, just to tide you both over until you can restock. Contact me if theres anything I can do.

I know what its like to live through thin times, I wouldnt wish it on anyone in our town.

Fern Woods
Sheriff of Hope's Reach AKA "Free Beer City"
I be glad ta hear dhat da children be doing fine. Keep da bandage on dhe foot for a good bit ta make sure dhat it heal good an' strong.

About da Barbarian bit, well I do dhink dhat was me. An dha spit was som'dhing he must have heard Kovu and me talkin' bout...spit an mud is an old trick when you not got any'ing else round.

If he eva wants ta learn dha way of healin dho, fin' him a good teacha. Yo girl Jenna be a good girl fo heal'n magics as well.

Seek meh if ya need me fo anydhing.
