A break down for this weekend


I have only been to your land once and was very surprised by how little you prepare for battles.
I have been battling all my life and the tactics that were made seem over kill. Many were in the back with nothing to do and not knowing their position.
If this battle is to be as big as I've heard I would like to make sure all tactics are sound. Everyone has a place and needs to know theirs.
Has there been a list of potions or elixers needed for a battle this big?

HOTH, Aira'yen clan of the Mala'kari

I am happy to hear you will be joining us again.

You are correct this will be a difficult fight and any additional help with tactics and planning is always appreciated.

Sir Siril and Lord Bluewater I believe are considered the leaders in this, but I could be wrong. It has not been made abundantly clear.

I would suggest speaking to them.

As for potions and elixirs- I am running low on my usual abundance of healing due to fighting Bleak in Dragonreach and giving out all of my personal collection.

I will of corse bring what I have left.

Yours In Service,

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I have a multitude of cure light potions and elixers. Which I have been hoarding for some time for such a battle plus the ones I will be making there.
I have a lot of purify's and my sword and bow will be at hand.

HOTH, Aira'yen clan of the Mala'kari
Pyke and Cyn,

I am very much taking point on this. This has been stated earlier this month. As for preparations. They are being made.

Curing Elixirs and Potions are always useful. Anyway to remove or cure a command will be very useful.
Awakens, Awakens, Awakens. This is what we need most of. Both potion and scroll.

If you have any other question please ask.

Sir Foss Siril
Sir Siril,

I know I would feel better having some forewarning of your plans so I can prepare properly, there have been times in the past where divisions of tasks where made on a resource consideration only without much consideration to the existing community relationships and I am concerned that might happen again. Since we've seen in the past you will not have time to deal with these issues during the market it would be wise to share more information ahead of time.

-Lord Enan Bluewater.
It is my understanding that the plans are currently being finished at the moment. My main concerns currently would be who is willing to participate in the ritual and that there is a clear understanding of what will happen if we do not succeeded.

If we fail, the entire continent will be filled with the fall hope and feverish nightmare of Bliss. Everyone who falls to Bliss will take nine deaths and have their spirits consumed by Kaz'ik. They will not move on to any Graveyard or eternal battlefield. They will cease to be, entirely.

We are currently protected from him and can freely discuss. Please, review what is posted and ask questions.

Lady FallingStar
Sir Siril and Lord Enan (and everyone else),

I will not be present for the fight against Kaz'zik, I have found something that needs to be protected while bliss run rampant. I apologize that I won't be there to watch this blight be removed, but this is of utmost importance.

Ignathis Nachtfeuer