A brief Introduction

Vell, vhere to beegin??

katar o la lumeasa o Rom
ediili a mai sukar
e khelel a mai sukar

May that always be the case.....My Name es Nicholai Voyani, and I and my vife are definitely new heere.(looks around and realizes she is not with him) Although it looks like she has run off to find yet another man...


I am a seemple merchant specializink in vines, and ales. I vill be offering samples of my vares to a few lucky customers. Ve hope to make dis place our home, at leest for a little vhile...for as everyone knows ve Rom never tend to spend to much time in vun place.

Ve vill be needink a place to rest, as ve are no longer vith de Kumpania No? But it may be only me, until my loving vife..she does show herself again.....So perhaps someone can tell me of a place to put my feet up, a place not unaccustomed to.....how do you say.......(pauses thoughtfully)......a leetle liveleness No?

May de Light shine on you alvayz, and de Shadow not follow to closely on your heelz.....
If you are looking for a place to stay. You can rent a room at the tavern. I believe it costs 2 silver a night.

I can also show you around the town.

~Aeris Dimitris
I recommend you seek out Yasme Laetshi, the Bandolier of the local Family. If she is not available, look for Balryn. You should be able to find either of them about town, most likely the tavern. They always have extra room in the vardas for a brother. Welcome to the Crossroads, and be careful to enquire in town about the local merchant licensing requirements before you get into trouble selling wares unlawfully. I am not fully versed in them myself, but Kauss our local blacksmith is a master merchant and is usually quite helpful in such things.
Vel dat is certainly a pleasant surprize....der are other Rom here?

I will seek dem out at once...

but selling my vares in a manner not according to de lawz.....I vould NEVER tink such a thing....*smiles*

I tink I am goink to like it heere, the people are so friendly and helpful....if dey buy as much as dey help, We may be stayink heere a LONG time indeed
Solomon Maxondaerth said:
I recommend you seek out Yasme Laetshi, the Bandolier of the local Family. If she is not available, look for Balryn. You should be able to find either of them about town, most likely the tavern. They always have extra room in the vardas for a brother. Welcome to the Crossroads, and be careful to enquire in town about the local merchant licensing requirements before you get into trouble selling wares unlawfully. I am not fully versed in them myself, but Kauss our local blacksmith is a master merchant and is usually quite helpful in such things.

I do not think they will be in town this weekend considering Yasmay has not written me back.
Welcome, Nicholai Voyani, to 'the crossroads'. I fear the dreamscape cannot express the warmth in my heart at hearing the voice of another Rom, but hopefully I will meet you in person to do so myself. I'm afraid I will not be in town for a while, but if any of mine are I'm sure they'd offer you a bunk or two in our vardos, as I will when I return.

Sorry Aeris, for responding late, letters don't find me well.
Yasmay Laetshi

Well, I have noticed that most of the people of this area do tend to drink alot, it seems to be a past time, that and killing monsters. My name is Aaron Tyrson, a healer and if my services are required please just let me know I am always happy to help.

May the winds of fortune always blow in your favor.

Aaron Tyrson
To you Mother I tank and look forvard to de day I vill be able to meet you in person.

And to you friend of the Earth....I do hope to be able to show you my vares, and seense dis town seems to enjoy de drinks, I Vill bring extra stock No?

I vill see you all soon.....