A Call for Aid


Adventurers and those of heroic heart,

I know many of you, likely most, do not know who I am. I am an earthen shaman, originally from a region near Andar.

A land is in need, for its strength is nearly exhausted against a powerful undead force that threatens its shores. That land is Stradyn, who is separated by sea and Mist from the Ceriopolis, for those of you whom are familiar with our location.

This is a land where those who are practiced in earthen magic are rare, much less powerful. I will not publicly dream more information, but I will privately discuss specifics for purposes of scope and context. For those of you who are looking for aid with matters of food, this place has been described as extremely fertile, producing much vegetation.

I have matters to attend to and conclude in the Ceriopolis, but I will be actively seeking a method to travel there by early summer, likely June.

I hope I will not be alone in this quest. This place needs heroes.

-Shaman Zeth
Shaman Zeth,

I visited Ceriopolis a few time and have found it to be place with heroes that will aid you. I have given oaths that bind me to purpose and place through the mists and will not be able to return regularly. Seek me in the town of Foxbridge or surrounding lands if you are in need of another Shaman.

Hisagi Hengin
Shaman of the Stone Claw
Shaman Hisagi,

Foxbridge, hmm? Well, I might be able to make it there sometime near the end of March. It may be brief, however.

I will look for you. I have some old friends there that I haven't seen in ages. It would be good to visit with them.

-Shaman Zeth