A Call for Aid


Chicago Staff
Good morrow to all.

To those who are reading this, I am requesting a call to arms in the Mist Sphere of Kaida Senu in two weeks.

At present, a kingdom known as the Empire is preparing to make a move against all nations that inhabit the Mist Sphere. They have at their disposal an artifact that provides one of their ranks the power of invulnerability. We have dealt with this individual in the past and were only able to survive the incursion of him and his troops due to an oathbound promise to the residents of the area. While this protected us for the time, information has been garnered through our resources that a massive attack will be moving forward in the next two to four weeks.

The individual in control of this artifact, which we believe to be some kind of anvil, has been studying it’s effects and is getting close to activating the power of invulnerability on not just himself but upon all of his troops, effectively allowing for a mass slaughter of all nations until they are underneath the heel of the Empire.

We still have time to steal this artifact away from them and hopefully find a way to destroy it. I know many of you are busy with your own lives and issues, however, I humbly request whatever aid or help can be sent our way. We adventurers have stopped tyrants and genocides before. Please lend me your strength in this endeavor as I have done for you and your kin in your times of need.

~Glenn Stormwolf
Guardian of the First Tree