A call for assisstance


Horn's End,

I am putting a mission together that I need help with. I looking for some participants to help me put a few newer adventurers through their paces. I am taking them on an excursion, and would like a few more warm bodies. I cannot guarantee the spoils of war, but things will be split equitably. If you would prefer a flat rate for your services, please say so ahead of time.

The only restriction I have would be to limit this to the newer adventurers in town. I don't want to bother the Durk and Casan's of the world with this.

Many thanks,

-Squire Idris
Allow me to introduce myself, I am Robert Karstarke. I believe I may be of some assistance. My fellow adventurers and I will be in the Horn's End area soon, and most probably looking for work. As to our numbers, I can not, as of yet, say who will be there... Our numbers may be many or few, I will send word when I know who will be making the trek.

Looking Forward to it,

Robert Karstarke, formerly of Westerlunde
I Arrianna Danielle would love to honor your quest with my keen wisdom and sharp dagger! though i expect you to care for my survival as your plans for success in this endeavor may fail.
Oustanding! Glad to see a few eager adventurers are willing to help. Come find me on the first evening of the market day. I might be arriving a tad late. If you don't know me, ask anyone with a House of Games tabard if I've arrived yet.

This will be a training mission, but the danger is real. I am expecting participants to be willing to listen to leadership, and bring whatever supplies they would normally bring on an adventure.

Many thanks.

Squire Idris
There will be four of us making the trip to Horn's End this weekend, and we will seek you out when we arrive.

Robert Karstarke