A Call to Allies: Foreign and Domestic

Strava Plot

Gettysburg Staff
To All Allies and Friends of the Kingdom of Islan Tel'Nava -

Our Good King, Sedat Islan Zartarum, gives well wishes and petitions your assistance with investigating and cleansing the Lands of the Traitor's co-conspirators and their sympathizers. It has come to our attention that there is a small military camp that needs investigated and deactivated. This instillation is not a sanctioned establishment and the Crown is offering just and fair compensation to any Adventurer or Mercenary that would take up this call. The compensation shall be given in the fair and available looting of the installations goods and coffers. None may act outside of the immediate premises of the camp, but may act as necessary to gather information or to deal sentence upon the guilty and traitorous elements therein. Any information gathered that would lead to additional findings or the capture of seditious persons will be given just reward upon the verification or submission of the results.

The period of this gathering would be during the First and Second Week of Kaiyir, 1005.

So it is ordered, so shall it be.

Hasan Maluk, Royal Scribe
On behalf of His Royal Majesty, King Sedat Islan Zartarum