Indeed. I've made several offers to help to each and every "noble" I've seen. Refusing help doesn't really do any good for your people, and serving the people was the duty of each and every noble.
Mr. Silverleaf,
By your tone it sounds like you expect me to be disrespectful or a ruffian. I am neither. You and I simply have different definitions of respect. Go back and review everything I've said here. Almost every message has included offers of help. Sure I have a price. Everyone does. But, in almost every case I've offered to forgo that price for a while.
I don't want you to take this as an insult. I'm really did offer my help in good faith but, I do believe you need someone to lead your men. Or at least a stronger military adviser. Otherwise you would be in a better situation. I think we can both agree this situation is not ideal.
Let's be realistic here. Some people aren't good at fighting, some people aren't good at magic, and some people aren't good at leading large scale military operations. That's fine. I'm sure you excel at a lot of things, like fighting, and turning down help. But, people who are great at fighting rarely lose. Just like great generals rarely lose wars.
If you want Westhaven cleared, I'll need resources and information from you. A Map of Westhaven. I need a best guess at troop numbers, troop weaknesses (Do they breath, do they have a hive mind, what works well against them, what doesn't). I need tactical weaknesses of Westhaven. Is there a communal well? Food stores? We'll need to do something to turn the tide on a battle where we are out numbered. As I assume we are. What is the best way for enemy troops to be reinforced? Do the invaders have a goal? It sounds like they want something, can we lure them out with that something. What's the price if we lost that something. I'll need supplies. Traps, Lamp Oil, Alchemists, Scouts.
Please don't answer any of these questions, send a messenger with the information, or come meet with me yourself.
High General and Military Adviser to His Grace, Duke Clous of New Malidonia, Kingdom of Valdanis