A Call to Lead: Calling all New Acarthia Commoner Citizens


Since 413, New Acarthia has been a place of experimentation and opportunity under Her Grace, Duchess Illiana Tiberion. She spoke of inclusion, experimentation, and responsible citizenry.

It is in her honor that the Ducal Office, under the care of Ducal Regents, Baron Darius W. Rivervale and Baroness K.W. Elavir make this proclamation:

It is the intention of the Ducal Regents to begin a new experiment: The Tiberion Council.

The Tiberion Council will be made up of five commoner councilors (detailed below) who will be empowered by an official writ to manage commoner disputes and support the protection of the Estate of New Acarthia, which finds itself often besieged. This grand experiment will be done with the support and wisdom of the Regents and Nobles of the Duchy of Acarthia.

This Council will enable those who are most affected by the challenges New Acarthia faces, even outside of gatherings, to explore how the estate could be managed, and how it might best support the bustling nexus of activity. The jurisdiction of the Tiberion Council will extend only to the borders of the Estate.

It is the intent of the Ducal Office to solicit potential candidates in February to serve on this inaugural trial run of 3 months, before the Council and its members will be ratified by the citizens of Acarthia themselves in the summer.

Should you wish to make your desire known to serve on this council you may either:
  • Send a missive* to the Ducal Regents - Baroness K. W. Elavir or Baron Darius W. Rivervale (OOC Note - You can post your letter of intent here as a comment, or email Juliet at jackelares@gmail.com and Mac at macyoshi@gmail.com)
  • Seek the Ducal Regents out in person at the February Gather.

Please review council member eligibility below before applying.

Details on the Council:

  • Five Council Members, initially chosen from volunteers for the first 3 months. Councilors and need to be ratified by the citizens of New Acarthia after the trial run.
  • Councilors will display their station visibly, and carry a writ on their person so that they may display these items when dealing with Council business.
  • Councilors are empowered to choose a second to sit in their absence on the Council.
  • A single noble must be present for all Council meetings, to serve as advisor. This need not be the same noble consistently.
Council Member Eligibility:
  • Must be a citizen of New Acarthia**
  • Must not be a noble or a squire
  • Must not be a leader of a Guild or recognized group in order to eliminate bias**
  • Must not represent a people outside of New Acarthia
  • Must not be a Guild Master**
  • Must not be a Page (though they may observe)
  • Must not have been arrested or brought up on found guilty of charges in the last year
  • Must be of sound mind and body
Jurisdiction of the Council:
  • The lands of the Estate of New Acarthia that are not held by Nobles, Royally recognized Guilds.
  • Non-nobles and non-official Baronial court members (as members of Baronial courts are subject to the jurisdiction of their lieges, per the ruling of 415)
  • Choosing a Sheriff of New Acarthia
  • Choosing a Magistrate of New Acarthia
  • Where a crime is so great that it may warrant the death penalty by the laws of New Acarthia, it must be ratified by a Baron or Duke.
  • The construction and maintenance of additional structures and resources for New Acathia.
  • The Council may call for the arrest of commoners who they believe to have committed a crime
  • The Council may call for a trial
  • The Council may request access to Ducal resources (through the Ducal Regents) when working on defenses of the estate.
  • The Council is empowered to manage and adjudicate the conflicts of the commoners with notification to the Ducal Office so long as the crimes do not warrant death.
Current Resolutions for the Council to Explore:
  • Which investments (a list will be provided) will best serve the Citizens of New Acarthia
  • An update to the Treasure Bag and Loot Split System.
  • Making suggestions to the local royal guilds regarding potential improvement to better benefit New Acarthi
  • Choosing a Sigil for the Council
  • Identifying who will be Sheriff and Magistrate
  • How the re-election process will proceed in the summer.
  • Additional concerns as they arise.

Possible Suggested Structures:
  • Guard Towers and Walls that will give us a heads up as to incoming armies
  • Mage’s Tower
  • Acarthian Library

Eligibility -
New Acarthian citizens are as defined in the law - those who have holdings within New Acarthia.
Those who are recognized Guild Masters of Royal Guilds (Healer, Mage, Loremaster, and Merchant).
Pages refers to those who are yet too young to be full adventurers.

With Regards,
Ducal Regents,
Baron Darius W. Rivervale
Baroness K. W. Elavir
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