A call to the adventurers of Barran!


Gettysburg Staff
Well met all adventurers in the extended lands of Barran. The Glorious Empire of Tel 'al Anor invites you to assist in discerning the strange events surrounding the lands of Arman in the District of the same name. the tear in the fabric between the planes has been apparently been causing disturbances.

Individuals in the lands surrounding Arman have been noticing missing days, time fluctuations that others further away may not experience at all. A few disoriented persons have been found wandering the landscape claiming to be from eras in the distant past or supposedly from the future many years from now. Each has been seen bearing a strange mark upon their flesh and speaking in odd languages or merely having recollections of events that have never transpired. There have even been creatures seen in the area long thought extinct or never seen before in the area.

The Emperor Nzube Uyesh and King Sedat Islan Zartarum are both entreating the heroes or Barran to discern if this is a dire portent for the goodly people of Barran or will this current fluctuation around "The Shred of Barran" will calm down once more. It had been quiet for countless years prior, may we all weather the storm.