A Call to the Good People of Taneryn and Assorted Allies All


publicly posted in assorted taverns and meeting halls throughout the land

Good Morrow to all Good People of Taneryn and Her Many Allies.

I am Etherian Silverquick, Master Wizard of no small water, and assigned by order of Her Majesty Queen Shibboleth to assist and advise Lord Tymolan Gyr on his quest in the new land named "The Isle of the Golden Horn" by those seafarers that have managed to return. I do hereby publicly announce in his Lord's name that in one fortnight hence in the township of Stillrun, his Lordship will be holding a series of trials for all who wish a seat on his advisory council. Lord Gyr and I have devised a series of tests by which all applicants shall be judged, and, should his duties permit, Sir Iktikhaar may assist in the selection.

Observers and witnesses are permitted, and applicants may be called upon to martial the assistance of those present for the completion of the trials.

The trials that are thus decided to use are as follows:
  • Diplomacy - applicants will be tested to prove their patience, perseverance, and ability to work with a community
  • Tactical Analysis - applicants will be tried in their skills of observation and battlefield command to assess the strengths and weaknesses of a newly designed construct. Use of a Lore scroll or permanent Celestial Circle to identify the abilities of the construct will be strictly forbidden.
  • Guidance and Instruction - applicants will be have their ability to provide clear instruction to a single individual measured and weighed
  • Personal Combat - applicants must prove their own personal ability in battle with each other
  • Problem Solving in Group Dynamics - applicants must prove their ability to solve a puzzle both personally and within a group

Volunteers will likely be sought from all in attendance. His Lordship reserves the right to add, remove, or modify any of these trials between now and then as he sees fit.

In Her Majesty's Service,
Etherian Silverquick
posted under the above message in most taverns near and in Stillrun on a ratty scrap of paper with assorted food(?) stains

BiG bOsS luKiN tA eMpOi... EmPlOd... Hy-Er SuM fOlKsEs Ta GeT hIm SuMmA dEm CuHpOhNiNtZ fEr BiG mAjIx. MeHbEe If Ya DuN wAnA dOo DiS TiNg Ya WeRk FeR uS? We PaY gUd. NufFiM iL... No CoNtRaBu... No BaD sTuF, wE pInKeE-SwAr.
tacked on beneath these in Stillrun

Um, in case someone happens to read this... I am Tethra McGillicutty, a carpenter from Anador. While traveling with our supplies a month or so ago en route to Stillrun, my family and I were assailed by some men wearing red. My son, he wanted to help in the fight... Anyways, we got separated, and now... now I can't find my wife, two daughters, or my son. I'm afraid of what might have happened to them during the uprising. I've been looking for clues, and have a few that perhaps some of you could help me piece together, and I'm told maybe a Vision scroll would be helpful? Since there are so many of you that will be gathering, if I can make it, maybe one or some of you could help me out? If I can make it out to this gather... I hope to find them, and then perhaps answer Lord Gyr's call for skilled tradesmen... so yeah... hope to meet some of you fine adventuring types...

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