A call to those who build


Colorado Staff
A call to all of you skilled craftsman of the hammer. Whether you are a blacksmith, carpenter, mason, miner, you all use hammers in your work, and this, I believe, binds us together. I believe that we are kinsman of the heart, spurred to craft wonders, using our hands to shape materials into something new, whether it is rugged stone, stubborn metal, or beautiful wood.

This belief has inspired me to attempt to organize us into a group that can accomplish great things. Imagine for a moment, blacksmiths, masons and carpenter’s working side by side daily, sharing ideas and techniques, combining resources, and sharing the common goal of defending our lands from the corrupt.
Yes, it is soldiers and adventures that slay many of the corrupt, but how much better could they be at slaying the corrupt if they are equipped with masterly crafted arms and armor, defended by grand sweeping walls, and backed up by devastating war machines?

To reach such a lofty goal one must start at the beginning, and the beginning of this goal is to gather skilled craftsman together, to share our knowledge and experience with one another and pool our resources. To this end I ask any and all craftsman of some skill to contact me or Tazoulti privately, or come to the tavern this next market day. There is much to discuss and plan, and I hope you will do your patriotic duty and, even if only slightly interested, contact one of us.

With honor always,
Thorador Boulderfist
Master Thorador,

Me have skill you seek, but only half skill of Journeyman blacksmith, but me offer skill anyway. Me come to next market day.

-Cho Ko Nu
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For those who are interested in my proposal, please meet me at the tavern in area of the trading post of Borjen's Crossing, around 11am Saturday of the coming Market Day.

-Thorador Boulderfist