A Caution to Old Magic


Chicago Staff
What you accomplished in Passwall was a momentous feat and one that will bring the lands of the Peninsula to a safer state for the Watchers, especially Pyrrha. That being said, when I arrived to bring you back to your residence I felt something lingering in the air that was most troubling. Around the area of Suppressed Magic I felt a strong aura of Raw Old Magic. Examining the nearby area closer after I dropped you off, I sensed that the Precipice Dagger was partly damaged. I do not know the why or the reason, but I want to refresh your memory in that channeling Raw Old Magic for one's own desires, whatever the intention will only make HIM stronger.

Raw Old Magic has been appearing more and more and as such the temptations whisper to more and more who find themselves in possession. Take these words as both a warning and a promise, be advised to not be tempted by what HE provides, for the more that succumb to his offerings, the more powerful he grows and the closer he is freed.

Hear my advice, and a warning, for Xava will not provide a second one.

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Itri (and Xava if you dream this as well),

I take full responsibility for the use of Old Magic during the attack on the Baycock forces. If you or Xava wish to express your disappointment, channel it my way. During the fight, almost all of our final squad was wiped out. In order to assure their safety and to ensure that the mission was able to continue, I determined that Old Magic was necessary. There were other options, but none that were guaranteed to succeed. Even with that, two of our numbers saw the circle in this attempt. Reach out to me if you need more information.

Cambridge Rouke