A Celebration and Contest!


Greetings Friends,

I hail you all on this glorious day, and bring tidings of a Celebration, my good master Kirna Lightfoot has heard of the recent advances in clearing the Valley of Solace. Wishing to celebrate the reclamation of lost land Kirna will be hosting a single day contest, to last from breakfast on Saturday, two full weeks from this coming one, ending at dinner.

In Honor of the Accomplishments of the populace, and the Kings Coronation to be performed on this first day of the 7th Month. During this time a number of hired guards will be keeping an eye on the surrounding area to avoid interruption, if you wish to assist, for pay of course, you may contact the master of arms at the contest.

Contests will range from simple tests of skills and wit and each contest will have it's own prize, there will be no auction or point system. Since this is not a monarch sponsored tournament there will be no Grand Melee or ultimate prize, each contest will be self contained.

In additional to all this, as a point of Racial Pride, Kirna Lightfoot is willing to put his Silver Frond, the prize among prizes, up for grabs. Those interested must form a six person team, and offer up 60 gold in comparable prizes, as judged by the merchanting association in order to join.

The Silver Frond challenges will be a series of at least three held through out the day, more if additional teams participate. Currently there are no challengers, and there must be at least two competing teams to challenge Kirna's handpicked participants.

That is all I have to say, I am sure you are all very excited for not just the competition and celebration but to meet the man himself as Kirna graces the Valley with his own presence to oversee the competition.

- Ceripond Lightfoot,
Sometimes Herald and Scribe (when the pay is right)