The harsh winter is still upon us. However I feel that we will be gathering in a short time. I feel myself needing to be in this Barran in the early spring month. When I can scratch the ice and see fresh new grown grass starting to bud then I will know its time. I bade any type of service that I can assist in upon my arrival however I am in need of curatives. Mostly cure wounds to cure mortals. Potion preferred. As for how many I need can be discussed. I can offer trade or hard coin.
I would also be interested in a variety of cure nausea, sleep, Ect potions as well in a smaller quantity.
Pm if you want to barter or if you need my help.
I would also be interested in a variety of cure nausea, sleep, Ect potions as well in a smaller quantity.
Pm if you want to barter or if you need my help.