A Delivered Letter


<This letter, written in silver thread on what appears to be a fine white silk and tied with a soft blue ribbon, have appeared to many adventurers in the lands of Gaden and Wayside, how many will answer it's call is anybody's guess. Those who keep a close watch, or sleep softly catch short glimpses of gossamer wings and wispy clothing before the being delivering the letter disappears>

The Letter said:
Dear Adventurer,
My congratulations to you, word of your exploits have reached my ears. I have become tired of the stories in my realm, indeed I am featured in far too many of them. So it is that I have opened a portal through the mist to deliver this letter to you, and those like you, to invite you to join me for a grand feast in seven days time. Simply bring this scroll with you to the mist wall and hold it tightly when you cross, that should bring you to my realm.

Please be at ease, you shall be under no threat at my dinner, indeed a sanctum enchantment shall be in place for as long as I am present, my servants would accept no lesser protection, and it will prevent any harm from befalling you or your companions you have chosen to bring. I shall have my servants make ready the finest of accommodations, and they will be glad to deliver whatever you like to your chambers for your convenience, of course you may hold onto whatever you wish should you fear my motives.

My own plane of existence has given me so many wonderful and exotic experiences, and I look forward to see what this…Fortannis has to offer me. I urge you to accept my invitation, I assure you, there will be no regrets for those who come.

Finest Regards,

The Corporate Wizard.