A Discussion of Origin [Datonis, Garridan, Open]


Time: Close to Noon
Weather (As Taken by Forecast): Cloudy with a Chance of Rain, Brisk
Location: Cabins

Garnett looked a bit weary as he wandered about. However he did have a few people to look for it seemed with the purpose in his gait. His eyes kept on the lookout for Datonis in particular, unsure if Garridan or Mobeus was back at the breach yet. When he spotted the man, he approached him seriously, waving him down. "Ho Datonis, you've a few moments to spare? Something's been on my mind for a while now, and I was hoping for some perspective."
*OOG* Garridan will be arriving at the Breach after the full moon, probably a day or two after.
"Helloz neighbor," a goblin waves. "Watz you wants to talk to mez about?" pausing he looks around "Ohz nots me." shrugging his shoulders he carries on his way.

Clang clang clang CRACK. "YOU BROKE IT!" "NO! It broke itsef" can be heard a couple cabins over.

A cheer goes up from a rousing game of keep away being played in the commons. "Hey, I found that orb, it's MINE!"
On the porch in front of the cabin, enjoying the coolness of the day, Datonis sat reading from a rather large plain looking tome while munching on some biscuts. Upon hearing Garnett call out to him, Datonis marks his place in the tome and waves back to. "I'm not doing much of anything right now, what did you wish to talk about?"
Coming from around the back of a cabin, a pack of younger goblins are carrying a bed, "how hi you thinks we can get of we jump off the top of the tavernz?" asks one of them. "Not sure, but should reach that banner youz got stuck in the treez the uder day,"
"Pardon a moment neighbour," He had blinked at the goblin, but beckoned. "I think I would like to talk to you as well." He looked to Datonis. "I have been having something disturbing occuring to thought, and I thought to have someone to discuss it with." Looking towards the little goblins, he frowned. "I only know of one moveable bed, where's the tavernkeep?" He looks to the fellow goblin he meant to chat with.
The goblin in question is no where in sight now, but then most of the 100 or so goblins roaming around town look the same to you.
Shaking his head Datonis mutters,"Goblins 101; they're the same as having suicidal toddlers" turning to Garnett, he conitues "Maybe this is something we should discuss this inside?"
Getting to his feet he moves into the cabin.
"Aye let's," He follows him in, the comments of him never leaving anything in a Breach aside rubble coming up from the rear before the door closes. (Switching to PM)

"BWHAHAHA! Toldz you it wouldn't work!" can be head from the market place.