A few things...


Greetings everyone,

For those interested Saturday Morning at 11 bells I will be doing a training session for those who wish to learn. This session will cover the basics of fighting with Spear, Sword, and Shield. I will also be going over some basic fighting tactics when fighting in a group to help us all learn how to fight better as a unit.

I also have in my possession a full Earth Book and a full Celestial Book. For those of you that cast, if you would like to copy out of either of these books for your own, please feel free to do so at no charge. Even if you cant cast the higher schools of magic yet its good to go on ahead an memorize these for future use. All it will cost is the cost of ink, which I believe is roughly 2 copper per spell.

Also for those interested, I intend on holding a planning session for possible upcoming events Friday night roughly after we have all gathered (after game on). I encourage you all to attend and all voices will be heard.

I look forward to seeing you all soon.

-Squire Hildr', Spirit of Hawk
Oh I forgot to mention, I will be permanently be living in the outpost for a while. I am always available for questions, drinks, and sparring. See you soon.

-Squire Hildr', Spirit of Hawk
Ah! Yes! Squire Hildr'

We briefly met before the insanity of Phyre swept through the town and tore my mind to bits. I am proud to report that I am much better now, albeit, less of my Biata self... and sadly more human. However, the Healer's Guild of Malidor's Outpost would like to thank you for all you have done and we look forward to your visit!

Master Healer Ivan Koval
Healers Guildmaster of Malidor's Outpost
Master Koval,

I am glad to hear that you are well. I apologize for your recent race change, I imagine that is rough. I look forward to spending more time with you and the rest of the guild.

-Squire Hildr', Spirit of Hawk