A Finely Made Letter Posted on the Board in the Tavern


Wisconsin Staff
To all Brave Residents of Outpost:

First, we would like to congratulate all of you for your hard work and much that has already been accomplished. While it was always understood that this expedition would pose some dangers and would be a great amount of hard work, the trials you have all received and overcome has sparked the interest of Houses of Bastion.

Already Eight of the Houses has reached out and shown interest in Adopting those that show such promise and desire to move further ahead. Each house has a major specialization that they are in charge of and they focus on Adopting those that would fit within such. To be Adopted into one of the Noble houses brings with it duties and expectations. But it also brings with it a voice within the house and the ability to communicate directly with those Nobles of Rank and Station. This would be the first step on the path of Nobility and while it is important, it does not mean you must take charge, simply giving you a bit more behind your voice.

If one of these Houses interests you, then please write a letter to be sent to Bastion for their consideration.

Do keep in mind no single House stands above others, but the task that must be accomplished determines which House will take lead.

House Gloom, leaders of the Gloom Guard and defenders of the Kingdom have heard of the great work being done and their Guard in the city has spoken well of the efforts put forth. House Gloom is looking for those who wish to keep others safe and hold the line against monsters and other threats to the town.

House Cain, those who take the fight to the enemies of Bastion, lead the Slayers. House Cain are those willing to push into the breach and fight those that would threaten us at their own bases. To them, a good Offense is the best Defense. Be it with a blade or with a spell, House Cain leads the way.

House Uritz has seen the great efforts to explore and discover what this world has to offer and hope that this continues for this world is large and the task is important. With so much to discover and perhaps a few hidden things to find, House Uritz is looking for those who want to explore the farthest reaches of the lands.

House Agrithjon has taken great interest into the efforts of this town to get your food under your own control. House Agrithjon is in charge of food production throughout Bastion, be it through the fields or the animals under their care. Knowing how important it will be, House Agrithjon wish to work directly and help give what aid they can. Always looking for those who wish to further their understanding and better the supplies of the towns they are part of, House Agrithjon is hoping for a much closer relationship with the town.

House Heartwood has been directly linked to this expedition from the beginning and wants to continue their support as the town continues to grow. With its extensive knowledge of the woodlands and how to survive in the harshest of environments, House Heartwoods looks to connect with those who feel the links that they do to the lands around them.

House Asum is always looking for those interested in trade and deals. With many new markets open to the people of Outpost, House Asum would like to ensure that Bastion is ready come the day the connection between is stabilized once again. To better be prepared for this, they are looking for those individuals who share the love of the deal and the thrill of a proper trade.

House Lightward has heard of the great struggles that the Outpost has been dealing with and the hard work of the healers to keep everyone healthy despite the many struggles and hardships you have endured. Though House Lightward wishes it had more people that made it through the journey safely, it is now looking for new faces that share in its ideals of healing, be it through magic or other means.

House Boomer extends its greetings to the mages that have traveled to the Outpost and wish for those interested in the Arcane Studies to contact them. Wish many new mysteries of magics of this world to uncover, they need eyes, ears and hands willing to work with them to uncover what lies beyond our basic site.

The five remaining Houses are interested in worthy people to be adopted, but are not actively looking at this time. If you are interested in the Noble Houses but none of these feel connected to you, know that your chance will come in time.

Voice of the Council of 13
Ariel Toiracsi