A Grand Invitation


Chicago Staff
To All Inhabitants of the Evodia,

With most profound pleasure but humble grace, House Aviary, the esteemed and illustrious lineage of the Avion, who herald from the resplendent and floating city of New Zenith, extends a magnanimous invitation to grace this mistsphere with our presence.

In this forthcoming weekend, prepare to be enraptured by the epitome of class and refined leisure as we highborn descend from our abode to share with your realm the splendor of our exalted culture. We shall partake in a series of activities, designed to engage the senses and elevate the spirit. Our agenda boasts a grand array of leisurely pursuits, scintillating competitions, and artistic exhibitions that reflect the highest echelons of our distinguished heritage.

It is with the utmost honor that we invite you, our esteemed adventurers, to partake in these grandiose spectacles. Let the revelry commence as we, in our unbounded magnanimity, extend an opportunity for all, regardless of station, to partake in the joy and grandeur of Avion tradition.

Join us in our exquisite games of leisure, marvel at the sophistication of our competitions, and be inspired by the flair of artistic endeavors. Embrace this rare occasion to experience the elevated elegance of House Aviary, and allow us to bestow upon you a touch of our grace.

In the spirit of camaraderie and refinement, we await your esteemed company.

With unparalleled splendor and regard,

Parliament Abigail Beauregard Dixie-Lee Vidalia III, Esq.

House Aviary of New Zenith
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