A History in the Making



To the citizens of Birch, Rivenside, and Hope's Reach,

Let me introduce myself, I am a scholar, scribe, storyteller, and sage of history.

Over the last few years we have seen dramatic shifts in events with the change in the mists. While many may know of the larger events including the recapture of the Anvil and reestablishing of ties with Pratorak, I seek to know and record the smaller events that supported such wide-spread change so that our children and those yet to come may know the full history of what happened.

This is not to say that the scribes of the noble houses are not capturing history in their volumes, I respect their work. I seek not to replicate their efforts, but to add to it by capturing the story behind the story, by recording first-hand accounts of what people saw and experienced.

I am also seeking an assistant or assistants in this endeavor as it is impossible for me to speak with everyone who is interested in sharing their stories. If you are interested in the pursuit of knowledge and preservation of our combined history, I encourage you to seek me out.

Over the coming months, I and my assistants intend on traveling to Birch, Rivenside, and the region around Hope’s Reach (formerly Fort Miller). If you would like to share a cup of ale or tea and would like to share your story, I encourage you to reach out to me.

May the Light guide you and may Shadow guard your path.

Arcanist Dure'dhel
Arcanist Dure'dhel,

I would enjoy discussing the events I have witnessed these past two years over a flagon of ale.
I will try and tell the story, but what would help me provide you with the best information is if you have some questions that you wish to ask.
Just and proposition.
I look forward to discussing the details sometime.

With honor always,
Thorador Boulderfist
Arcanist Dure'dhel,

It has been too long since you have last been around Hope's Reach, and much has changed. How as your vacation in Wayside? Although the company was great, and I met many new comrades...I must say Panda, yourself and I picked a very...interesting time and place to visit.

As far as the history and storytelling and all around catching up, I'd be sure to share a fine bottle of wine and perhaps even over some Wild Rice Soup and Beef Stew, I am in a cooking mood finally having access to such a facility now. It'll be nice to interact with people again after the long winter.

To our reunion, knowledge and good times!

I would advise caution good friend, there are those wouldn't want the truth about what has past to become known be anyone. Iganeous Ironforge

Ever wise and careful. I can respect that.
