I will be returning to the lands of Wayside very soon now after a long absence.
After the events of my previous visit, I felt it necessary to return home for a time.
Perhaps now I possess some of the strength necessary to face the unique challenges that fate has presented your people.
While my dreams have been otherwise occupied, I assure you that you have never left my thoughts.
As of my last visit, there were concerns of the Brood, and Lady Death was apparently threatening the land.
It is my hope that these challenges have since been passed by your brave citizenry, but I have not yet heard news of them.
As my nights have seen my mind focused more on the events of the past and the preparation for the future, I've not heard news of anything, truly.
What threats do you currently face, that I might prepare myself? I will pledge whatever strength I possess in the protection of your lands and people.
May the beacon of Wayside burn every brightly,
Wolfram Eisenberg
After the events of my previous visit, I felt it necessary to return home for a time.
Perhaps now I possess some of the strength necessary to face the unique challenges that fate has presented your people.
While my dreams have been otherwise occupied, I assure you that you have never left my thoughts.
As of my last visit, there were concerns of the Brood, and Lady Death was apparently threatening the land.
It is my hope that these challenges have since been passed by your brave citizenry, but I have not yet heard news of them.
As my nights have seen my mind focused more on the events of the past and the preparation for the future, I've not heard news of anything, truly.
What threats do you currently face, that I might prepare myself? I will pledge whatever strength I possess in the protection of your lands and people.
May the beacon of Wayside burn every brightly,
Wolfram Eisenberg