A Long Overdue Return

I will be returning to the lands of Wayside very soon now after a long absence.
After the events of my previous visit, I felt it necessary to return home for a time.
Perhaps now I possess some of the strength necessary to face the unique challenges that fate has presented your people.
While my dreams have been otherwise occupied, I assure you that you have never left my thoughts.

As of my last visit, there were concerns of the Brood, and Lady Death was apparently threatening the land.
It is my hope that these challenges have since been passed by your brave citizenry, but I have not yet heard news of them.
As my nights have seen my mind focused more on the events of the past and the preparation for the future, I've not heard news of anything, truly.
What threats do you currently face, that I might prepare myself? I will pledge whatever strength I possess in the protection of your lands and people.

May the beacon of Wayside burn every brightly,
Wolfram Eisenberg
Lady Deat', as far as I know, still at large. Ask my new brot'er Dramt'in about dhis.

Nye so sure about dhe brood. I t'ink dhey have been wiped out well enough.

Shall be wonderful to see you! We shall have to reacquaint over drinks, my treat of course.
It is good to hear that Dramthin is still well. I was concerned that his wishes for peace with Lady Death might have been met poorly.
I should certainly hope that the brood are no longer a threat. I was given a rather "rude awakening" by them on my last visit.
I will be glad to see you again as well, and welcome the chance to get reacquainted, though I'm going to have to learn to travel with heavier pockets soon.
In all the time I've been gone, I'm sure I've missed quite a lot, and I'm eager to hear any stories you might have to share.
Wishes for peace with the lady death?

Please explain....

John Honager
Order of the Light Private
What? So dhat she don't come in terrorizing dhe people and killing and such.

I very much hope she finds her peace.
Is he dealing with this Lady death? can you tell me more about her nature? or the nature of their entanglements?

John Honager
Of course you do....

Goodman Eisenberg? can you elaborate?

John Honager
I should be more clear about my doubts and why I have dhem:

Him concerns for peace wit' Lady Deat' amounted to learning of what was pulling her strings. Be it Targus, or ot'erwise. What made her what she is from what she once was.

Good endeavor for a man concerned about his friends and her wictims.

As far as fraternity wit' dhe Lady Deat', Dramt'in is a man of character and would nye fraternize wit' undead creatures. Nye jus' a man of character...a man of intelligence.


You have got to realize when its your time to let it go. I know your trying to help but your words of kindness for Master Heartboon only work to rouse suspicion towards his character and dealings with the Lady Death.

You stir the pot too long your going to burn yourself on the broth.

Brother Honager,

I assure you on my Honor as Sheriff that this matter is being thouroughly investigated and kept at the prime of our minds by Captain Renlee and I. We three all share the same dislike for disorder and shadowy actions and those of undead bearing but I assure you we have this matter well investigated. Master Heartboon is acting on his own recognizance to gain further insight these parleys are being supervised and he is cooperating in his tasks as a Master of Wayside to defend the people and free them from fear of the night.

This matter at this time, does not require magisterial investigation and is being held closely by the Sheriff and Deputy in conjunction with the Masters of Briarpass.

I have found his methods, while not always agreable to myself, to be adequate to the cause of allowing the people of Briarpass to walk within a lit world of knowledge and stear clear of fear and dark thoughts. I trust him as closely as I trust any man regardless of his current form as one of the Romani, he is a Master of Wayside and thus I respond to him as such and suggest you do the dame.

Walk in the Light,

Brother Cole
Sheriff of Briarpass
While I don't remember the course of events perfectly, I do recall that Darmthin had mentioned attempting to speak with Lady Death at one point.
I believe he was attempting to learn more about her purpose here, and possible dissuade her from further violent action towards the people of Wayside.
I was concerned at the time because I had yet to hear of a situation where diplomacy with the undead proved fruitful.
I do on the other hand, applaud his steadfast optimism in the belief that her spirit is not yet completely lost to the shadows.
I apologize deeply if my concern for him has resulted in his character coming into question.
My experiences with the man tell me that his heart is true, and perhaps even more so than mine.
Thank you Brother Cole for coming to his defense. It is good to see you maintaining your vigil over these lands.
With the help of yourself and the continued efforts of your allies in this land, we may yet see the night shorten.

May the people of Wayside walk safely in your light,
Wolfram Eisenberg
Last I heard he assisted in destroying her form atleast once, Wolfram, I believe you must have heard wrong, as a Master of Wayside would never try to speak with an undead, EVER.

Master Blacksmith
Well as I've said Lander, my memories of my first visit to Wayside are not perfect.
Those were troubling times for all of us, and my first encounter with challenges so dire.
It would not be out of the question that I am mistaken in this matter.
I wish the best to Dramthin and all of my friends in Wayside, whether or not I have had a chance to meet them yet.

Now thats not true at all, a Master of Wayside would most likely speak a great deal to an undead...what with spell incants, formal magics, and disctracting just long enough to stick a sword in them.

But yes, I believe that Dramthin would not sit down for a light evening meal any time soon with an undead being.

May you find warmth from Winter's sweet embrace,
Kevar Byrne, Standard Bearer to the Order of the Earthen Fist