A Love Story...

This shall start as all good stories begin...

Once Upon a Time...

There lived a little girl, brave and wise. Her strength and beauty drew a young boy to her like a moth to flame. He loved her true and complete and she loved him the same. They spent their carefree days of youth together, everything they did they did together- including training to fight.

The years went by and their affection for one another did not lessen. They both joined the army, and both raised in rank, though they never competed with one another, the girl would always put the boy flat on his back, and he never complained. One of the many things he loved about her was her strength.

In time the boy got enough courage to ask the girl to be his wife, her saying yes was an honor far beyond the white belt he now wore.

Sadly as in so many of these stories a dark force was rising and would separate these two lovers. A dark force in the form of a vampire... Fear stalked the land in his wake and many fell to his cruel path of darkness. The King called the boy, now man - now knight, to service on the front line against this scourge. The girl, now woman- now soldier, was to stay home and lead her men from there.

Tragedy- though the boy left trusted friends to look after her and she herself was a force to be reckoned with- she was caught unawares by the Vampire - and he killed her, in their home, with her love so far away.

The boy was told in a letter from the man whom he was squired to- his best friend. I cannot say if it was the knowledge that led the boy- the knight- to be reckless - if he wanted so bad to see his love. But not long after he too fell in battle ----

A proper love story would now end- their spirits joined in the here after... Love eternal.

Sadly this is not as proper a love story as I would have hoped- instead the boy turned knight's spirt returned home - tormented in his inability to save his love....

And so a small boy, determined to save the girl he forever loved, led a group of adventures to an empty house to fight a toy battle to save her.

Once they saved her in the guise of toy soldiers from the evil Vampire--- a small boy turned man turned Knight--- could finally rest in peace.... At last feeling like he saved his love...

Rest in Peace Kale with your beloved Rebecca- I will forever think of you both in times of difficulty and hope your loving devotion will reach across time and space to give the strength I might need in times I might usually give up...Kale YOU saved Rebecca and the evil Targis is dead and gone forever.

I ask all who took the time to read this dreaming- take a moment and look to the sky- remember two who loved so much that death could not stop a rescue that was painfully too late in life.

In Service,
I looked up and remember as you requested but only felt peace.
-Captain Aramis Seablade
I looked up and remember as you requested but only felt peace.
-Captain Aramis Seablade
Captain Aramis,
That is exactly as you should have felt. For they are fully at peace thanks to the adventures who helped Sir Kale.
Thank you Aramis.

In Service,
Ser Kale Jeffers will never be forgotten. That is true with all those who have fought for Terna and no longer walk amongst us.

- Baron Eren Davis
Well said Your Excellency.

Perhaps once spring arrives a small monument may be constructed to honor those who fought and died for Terna. A quiet place to sit and just remember.

But maybe I am far too sentimental of a sort.

In Service ,

Speak to Lady Fallingstar. She's been the keeper of a shrine of just that, with small tokens from each adventurer of Terna that has permanently died over the years, since adventuring was made legal again all those many years ago.

Circle Master Eric Marsters
Circle Master Marsters is correct I do keep a small shrine for those who have passed from this world and a fire is always lit, that way if their spirits chose to visit us they are guided by that Eternal Flame.

I have in recent months been wanting to erect a memorial for all those who passed fighting in the Vampire Wars and in service to this great nation. Such a permanent monument would be a place for coping with the overwhelming grief felt following those deaths, as I know many of us deal with daily; and while it is established as a place of remembrance of those sacrifices so that this nation could truly be born. A site to properly grieve and heal as Wayside. This could potentially be Wayside's first Great Work of philanthropy.

Yet, many details would need to be worked out before such a memorial could be built.

Are there any who also feel that this memorial should be built?

May the Stars shine and guide your path,
Lady FallingStar

I member the fallen, so anyone wit honor. No memorial needed. Spending moneys and gibin land just make people who forget feel better. I member. Not need fancy thing or place. Although I kan no speak for the orc nations, I know it to be tru that they will agree. If you need say good bye just use the gong, or have a shyman cast the membering rituals. That is all I need say.

Arjac Kagan
It is my hope that we will all remember the fallen for centuries to come.

Lady FallingStar

I agree vith you, some races and people value zee memories of zere fallen more zan their icons. It is up to each person to decide how zhey mourn and how to keep zee memory alive....I tend to veer towards oral history such as zee trational orcish and rom culture.

On zee subject of zee Gong. Zee lady does not allow us to use her gong without permission. I am of two minds about zhis. Of course I beleive zat all adventurers should be allowed unrestricted access to zee artifact zat the Orcish nations entrusted to zee adventurers....on zee other hand its use unsupervised iz unwise given zat many artifacts have been misbehaving for some time...an artifact, I imagine, of zee magic eaters construct.

In either case, I've heard of a "ritual of rememberance" in lands far away...zhis intrigues me if we were to do some sort of adventurers version of that...moreso zhan the idea of having a statue build to honor my accomplishments...posthumously.

Jehan T Wyldweaver
Not all of use will be around to remember for centuries, as to myself I will be content if my children's children remember me and carry on my name. As to the remembering of others, I have not had the life many of you had, and while I fear that in future it may change, I have not truly know any of the fallen well enough to feel that i could speak of them with enough knowledge to reflect their lives.

-Enan Bluewater
The artifact is not mine but, I am its keeper. The gong is now aligned properly and can be used again. The last time the gong was used by someone other than myself, things went wrong. Horribly wrong. And it took months to attune the gong back to it proper alignment. Days and nights in mediation and bathing it in pure smoke and pure water, the task was grueling. As there is one charge allowed per a solar year its use needs to be agreed by all. And I am hesitant to use it again until the magic eaters have been removed form the land.

Lady FallingStar
I hate to bring up the obvious, but I agree with Lady Fallingstar. Last time you used the gong you summoned an angry Baron, a warlord with a black helmet and other things. It's a good idea to just destroy it outright.

- Stahn Revan
I would ask that we not impugn the abilities of the caster of my father's Spirit Farewell; he is a formalist of considerable skill and performed the ceremony precisely as it was described to him. I do not believe there is sufficient reason to suppose that he was at fault. Nevertheless, as its power is limited I believe Lady Fallingstar is wise to recommend prudence in its use. I am sure that if the need arises, she would be willing to allow the artifact to be used, provided that it can be done safely.

Regarding a memorial for the fallen of the Vampire Wars, as well as for those, on both sides, who perished during the war of the past year: I am certain that there would be support for such a project among the nobility of Wayside.

As for Ser Thomas--Kale--Jeffers, though he was still a Squire and I a child when I knew him--I have never known a more generous and sweet-tempered young man. He is missed. Many of you know what it is to lose someone close to you; take a moment to send your thoughts to your loved ones who may find themselves far away from you, and always remember to cherish the time you have with them. We live in dangerous times, and though we may not wish to dwell on the possibility, it is an unfortunate truth that, though you may intend someday to return, it may not be in your power to do so; and that each time you say farewell to your beloved may be the last.

Duchess Neheris Fairfax of Buckland
Your Grace,

I agree, but with reservations. It was not zee gong's user that was at fault, but rather the fault of all high order artifacts. If anything, zee gong is a very simple tool and allows for lack of formal skill in many regards "Gong and Call" is a correct summary.

Zee artifact became out of balance as a result of a poisoning of zee magical landscape by forces outside our control. I vould recommend against its use for a few more months so as to avoid tainting or hurting it again.

Jehan T Wyldweaver
Zee Boot of Society