A Magic Cloak of Cloaks


Young Masters and Mistresses,

I wish I was not the auctioneer, so I could participate in this auction. This next item up for bids is a beautiful cloak, that holds 17 once ever cloaks. They are listed below with the school of magic they are associated with. This item will travel anywhere and the cloaks are good forever or until used.

Cloak: Purple/Black Iridescent

a. 1/e of Cloak Alteration (E), Binding (E), Command (E), Curse (E), Eldritch Force ©, Evocation ©, Flame ©, Gift (E), Greater Command (E), Healing (E), Ice ©, Lightning ©, Necromancy (E), Protection/Enhancement (E), Remove Curse (E), Stone ©, and Summoned Force (E)

Let us start the bidding off at 15 gold, which is a little less than 1 gold per cloak.

Best of Luck to all Bidders,
Bob the Blacksmith

check out the dinner

for auction etiquette
How long is this cloak, what is it's make? I would likely base my bidding on it's beauty more then it's cloaks

I will try to get the measurements and a better description. I hear it is handsome though.

I have an anonymous bid of 15 gold

Best of luck bidding,
I have a new anonymous bid of 20 gold

Best of luck bidding,
I have an anonymous bid of 30 gold

Best of luck Bidding,
Goodman Bob,

While the specifc (and fine) piece of clothing you are selling is, I'm sure, quite nice, I for one would be more interested in the process used to create it. Given that the current incarnation of the common Cloak scroll only allows the creation of daily use defensives that last a year (unless otherwise extended, of course), it seems your source has either invented a new magic or stumbled upon something extremely old. Needless to say, the process of creating a magical item that seemingly deviates from the commonly accepted norm of scholastic ritual practice could be extremely valuable, especially when that discovery has potential implications and impact on ritual practices throughout the known world. I for one would pay a great deal for such a process, as I'm sure would other ritual theorists.

Joshua Darion
Order of the Scarlet Dawn
House Nemesis
Young Master Joshua,

I am of course primarily a blacksmith and auctioneer. I know not the answer to your inquiry, but have put it to the source of the item we speak of. I am sure if there is a process I can sell you the information on how it is done.

Best luck bidding,
Bob the Blacksmith
All bidding in the dream realms will end on the 10th day of the 3rd month to give me time to tabulate and collect all the information into something comprehensive enough for the live auction that will take place on the 12th day of the 3rd month at the Ducal Manor of Barclay.
Here is an artist's rendering of the cloak, very accurate rendering

(not sure if I am doing this part right)


Or go here to see a few different angels

http://oogauction.blogspot.com/2011/03/ ... tures.html
40 Gold Master Bob,

That would look good over my shoulders.
Young Masters and Mistresses,

I apologize, but I have been informed by the donor of this item that it was their intent that it stay within the lands of Valdanis. I assure that this item can currently be made within the scope of ritual magics, if you really wish to know how as I mentioned before I can sell you that information. Otherwise, the seller is VERY secretive.

If you feel truly transgressed upon please let me know privately and if you come to Horn's End I will do my best to make it right.

Many blessings,
Bob the Blacksmith

(oog - the person who sewed and maid this item intended it to stay in chapter to improve the costuming of our chapter, which admittedly needs improvement, I am sorry if any feelings are hurt, I accept your physical role plays, but please OOG be cool - IG do what ever comes naturally to you)

Bidding is closed, if you wish to buy anything at this point, contact someone you know will be at the live auction. I will still offer my services as a proxy, but no bids will be posted here. I will put up the winning price, but not who won, when I return from marketday and have time to dream. Thank you for following along.

Bob the Blacksmith
sold for 40 gold
Perhaps next time if your intent is to sell or put an item up for auction to keep the dreams slightly quieter so they do not reach everyones ears.

(oog keep it to your chapter ig board, some of us from diffrent locations did bid on this originally and were dissapointed with your late caveat regarding it remain in your chapter)

Sir Symerille of Moria