I am tracking down a bit of a mystery here and piecing sumething from information Squire Syril provided me. I am curious, has anyone else encountered odd magical phenomenaz? For example:
Spells acting oddly
Waystone mizbehaving
Strange Magical Creatures
that sort of ting?
Also, Lord BlueWater and Circle Master Marsters....can you reach me privately? I haz a question for you about zee ritual you cast last year on a Lord in Briarpass to helps him recover from an illness.
I am tracking down a bit of a mystery here and piecing sumething from information Squire Syril provided me. I am curious, has anyone else encountered odd magical phenomenaz? For example:
Spells acting oddly
Waystone mizbehaving
Strange Magical Creatures
that sort of ting?
Also, Lord BlueWater and Circle Master Marsters....can you reach me privately? I haz a question for you about zee ritual you cast last year on a Lord in Briarpass to helps him recover from an illness.