A Magical Mystery


I am tracking down a bit of a mystery here and piecing sumething from information Squire Syril provided me. I am curious, has anyone else encountered odd magical phenomenaz? For example:

Spells acting oddly
Waystone mizbehaving
Strange Magical Creatures
that sort of ting?

Also, Lord BlueWater and Circle Master Marsters....can you reach me privately? I haz a question for you about zee ritual you cast last year on a Lord in Briarpass to helps him recover from an illness.



What kind of abnormalities? Like the kind where spirits of long dead people get up and rampage around a town? Or Banshees walk around unable to be slain? Or the kind that involves a portal to another land? To be honest, I've seen all those things, and I don't like it one bit. I'm sure others feel the same as I do.

While I have forgiven Marsters for his experimentaion I would truly hope that magical experimentation in the future would be stopped. It's bad enough using and relying on magics in it's current state, but to think of trying to manipulate those differently can only cause great harm to the people of this land.

If there are any who feel as strongly as I about magic I will be in Westhaven in 11 days time to teach martial skills and enlighten people who wish to hear about the dangers of magic manipulation.

- Stahn Revan
Goodman Revan,

Pretty much that, yez. I am curious wut led to zee spirits all coming back to life. Perhaps I put too much trust in the ritual caster but I am not comfortable saying zat Lord Enan backlashed zee ritual....I don't think he did anything wrong, I think the artifiact misfired....I base this off zee fact that its now zee third instance ive heard of...Zat is odd no?

If this weapon is artifact is truly as dangerous as it sounds, then perhaps it must be destroyed. If this is truly the 3rd time it has happened then it is a true danger to not only the people but the land itself. I will be happy to dispose of such an object permanently like I have done in the past. Magic is only as powerful as the one who believes in it; once you denounce its existence you can cleanse its impurity.
Strength comes from within, not from the stars.
i dont think destroying an artifact of the Rockfist clan is even in question. To do so wouldmost likely cause a war, again.
The item isnt the problem, the land itself is out of balance.

Not even remotely suggesting we break any artifact... Just stop using them a bit maybe?

Perhaps you can shed more light on this master Sthan?

I am merely stating that the destructive power of this artifact is so dangerous that it’s magic needs to be stripped from it. The item itself would not be destroyed, merely the magical properties of it. It is simply a suggestion. I can promise no physical harm would come to it, but it’s magical taint would finally be purified. It is merely a suggestion.

Good Man Stahn,

The artifact in question was granted to us by the Rockfist as a gift. It has been used on previous occasion with no issue. I suspect that there was either user error or an outside effect which caused the Gong to malfunction. I will need to spend time with the artifact and re-balance it as it was entrusted to myself. I at this point point do not believe the Gong to be tainted but, it if is the artifact is tainted I would welcome help to restore it's purity.

Sera FallingStar