A melodic sounding of trumpets


Here ye, here ye! May my voice be heard beyond the Mists in order that salutations will herald forth to all the good people of Fortannis.
Let it be known that King Jonah Morganson sees and hears all in his domain. To his ears it has been brought that the last few seasons have seen an increase in the number of travelers coming through the Mists to visit the Duchy of the Northlands. This pleases his Majesty. To that end his Royal Highness wishes to extend a formal offer for representatives of the civilized lands of Fortannis to visit and participate in the Summer High Court of the Empire of Parna as well as participate in the Northlands first Ducal Tournament. Formal ambassadors, diplomats, emissaries, and plenipotentiaries are most warmly welcomed.

The gathering begins on the first day of the seventh month of this year, 1411. The tournament will happen during the second and third days with High Court on the evening of the third day. The gathering will close on the fourth day.

Írindil Gentlewind
Royal Herald of the Empire of Parna