A message for familia

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cousins, i may be travelink to cupspar for dee first gather and vas vonderink if I may lodge vith you vhen I come. If no I am sure I can find elsevhere to go but vould prefer to stay vith familia.
-Zoya Aleksandra Anya's voice
Much occurs, Cousin. It is a long telling, but the end is this: I see far, but I cannot say who of the Romani will have returned by then, nor what welcome you can expect from the gaje.
I will be near by then, but I leave my varda outside the humans' settlement.I will watch for you, If you do not find one of us, trust only the besche until things become clearer. 

Joyful journeys to you,

Teovel deTomros Viatsa

(oog:Scott Auden)
danka couzin. Az i zay i do ave friends from my omeland comink to the gather and vill be able to lodge vith dem if need be. I do not vish to be an inconvenience or in da vay if dee familia of your lands ave matters to deal vith dat dey do no vish an outside romani to be part of though i vould not mind elping if i am able. as i say i do not vish to inconvience anyone and do have an alternate place to sleep if vill be a problem.
Ah, Cousin Zoya, family is never inconvenient. Well, OK...is no true. HA! Sometimes is.

But your coming is no inconvenient, nor would be your sheltering on gypsy rowe. But There are things you must know.

The rowe may be deserted when you arrive. We Rom and our kin the Besche have had to attend to the defense of the Wyldes,and is no yet clear what shall be the state of things upon your arrival. Even in the best of times, the local humans often hate all who are no human. If one of them tries to make you wear a wooden bauble as a symbol of your inferiority, bear in mind that giving him the curse he has asked for will get you arrested, and then no end of trouble for the rest of us.
But such dire warnings are a poor welcome.Let us leave it so: You family and our kin the beshche shall greet you with joy when finally we meet, and together a place shall be found for you to rest; But if we have not yet returned when you arrive in Kupspar, do not long lower your guard.

Say to them: "I come to meet a magnificent being called Teo, whom all admire, that I may learn the way of the blades, and hear from him my future." If they scoff, you will know them for witless fools. Smile prettily, and spin them a yarn, and they will cast coin at your feet.
Ha! Then when we meet you will tell me of my family beyond the mists.

Teovel deTomros Viatsa

PS. This remember above all: If you meet a fell being, black with red eyes, DO NOT BARGAIN WITH IT, WHATEVER IT OFFERS OR THREATENS!


(oog: Scott Auden)
Danka Couzin. The tall dark vone is still around? Dat is unnerving. I remember ven ve as a town had to fight him and all die then the lady call upon a land bond and bring us all back. I vill definitely keep look out for him. I have some stories to share of course from the lands i am from.

My mind must ave vondered vhile i speak vith you. I just remember dat I met you ven adventurers first were in cupspar. you vere tryink to teach me ow to use a bladed veapon. You vould be proud of me. I learn to use all veapons that only require vone hand to hold. I ave come a little vay since last I see you. Hope dat you ave been vell. Ve vill need to have a drink and catch up at dis gather. If you know vone by dee name Kantil he vill be escorting me to dee gather in case you no remember vat i look like since it has been many gathers since I last see you.

Ah! Of course you have quickly mastered what you have set your hand to, are you not Romani? Indeed we must catch up. As for Kantil, we have recently shared many trials together. It will be good to see you both!


(oog:Scott Auden)

I vill still be at gather but no able to fight. Fate 'as deemed dat my blade shall no be drawn for I have been weakened and by no magic for zee moment. I vill be stayink vith Kantil in his lodgings as he understands zee weakness that afflicted me. I do still vish to sit and talk vith you and tell you of happenings in my lands and vat i 'ear of tings effecting familia in oder lands. I also vish to 'ear vat 'as been goink on vith you since last I see you. Lookink forward to seeink you and any other familia dat may be there. Other familia may vish to 'ear some of vat I 'ave to say as vell and are more den velcome to come sit and share a drink with me in dee tavern.

Zoya Aleksandra Anya
Ah, cousin Zoya,

I am saddened to know of your affliction; long have I struggled with weaknesses of my own. Yet, take heart: such things may pass in the fullness of time.
Meanwhile, I shall look forward to our meeting


(oog:Scott Auden)
Zoya... Teo... My cousins, I rejoice at knowing familia will be there. This will be my first visit beyond the mists and I feel easier knowing you two, at the least, will be there. I do believe I know Kantil... If that is the same man I know, then I know you are in great hands Zoya. I will be traveling with a Dryad and possibly an elf, both of whom I would trust my life with. Please, keep yourselves safe. I shall see you both soon.

-Rosalinda (Rose)

Dee more familia dee merrier dee gather. I 'ave no tight corset but vith us any drink vill do. Kantil vears dee green and black of new ravenswood, a kilt, wields a hammer and also vears a flaming balls headband. He is good man from vat i 'ave seen in Arandin. Must admit have no spent a great deal of time vith but he seem like good man. Glad to 'ear another of familia who knows him better say dat I be in good hands and dat you trust 'im. Look forvard to seeink you and teo dis gather ve shall have to make some merriment dis gather.

Zoya, I hope I can buy you a drink, then, and we can have merriment. As for Kantil, that is the same man I indeed know of. I look forward to seeing his familiar face at this gather. Now, this new place beyond the mists will not seem so strange to me, knowing I have familia and known faces. Until this eve, when myself and my companions arrive, be safe.

I vill never turn down a drink. I look forvard to seeing familia and friends again. May the mists bring you safely to cupspar.
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