A Message From The Clerks


With the new effort focused on sharing information, here is a song to inspire you:


In the years that we've all spent exploring these great lands,
We've learned many lessons that give us a helping hand.
We've learned to work together and for to our lands protect,
But there's one more thing that we must remember to collect.

It is not scrolls or potions or coins or magic boots,
It's not gold or components or any other loot.
It is not something you'll find just laying on the ground:
It is records and knowledge that we must write down.

Once spelunkers were exploring in some ancient cave or mine,
And they found a big map that showed locations of ley lines.
But nobody made a rubbing, that's what I understood,
Earth el'mentals destroyed the map; the knowledge lost for good.

If you don't learn from history then it's doomed to repeat,
And that's just what happened when this story was complete.
Another cave, another destroyed map, fire caused the harm,
But now we've learned our lesson; perhaps third time's the charm.

One day I sought to learn the secrets of the Nexus Forge,
And that is why I showed up at Master Nikos' door.
He said he'd mapped ley lines and he could tell where forges spawn,
I asked to see the map so we could go and turn them on.

"I'm not very organized," he said, and that was true,
"I've lost my observations so there's not much I can do."
I went to Master Saali then to continue with my search,
And I hit the mother lode with volumes of research.

There were theories! Equations! I was now full of glee!
With some study I'd know secrets of Nexus energy!
I can learn to see the mystic energies for myself!
Maybe one day I'll build machines that see them by themself!

And so the lesson that we've learned, no matter what your station,
Is that we need to preserve and share our information.
Not every problem can be solved with axe or sword or spell,
Sometimes what we'll need is just what we know and tell.

How can we grow at least enough food to feed our town?
What's the best way to build stable structures underground?
Where in the caves do key deposits of resources lurk?
How can we make sure Outsiders don't put us in the dirt?

If you want to know where the answers to these things are buried:
Then you should talk to the clerks and come to the library.
Knowledge transfer is two-way, so when you see clues high and low,
Just come and make your report so everyone can know.
Uhh, ahem, now that I've had a moment to compose myself.

I've had one of the Clerks calligraphy a copy of your poem to hang outside of the library, Clerk Andrew. I hope that is acceptable to you.

I love it.

In service,
Clerk Terren
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