A message passed onward

People of Wayside,

Several of these leaflets have been found in recent weeks I thought I would place it here for everyone to see. I think it was meant for all ears to hear and all eyes to see. I could read it and thought all of you should know.

Jeffrey Langhorn

The Beacon

Some of you may have heard a story about a daring group of adventurers who came to the rescue of some Thargosian refugees, fending off hordes of undead. Some of you may even have heard rumours that it was actually The Emerald Archer who came to the people’s aid, quietly sneaking them in small groups through the forest to safety. Maybe both these things are true, but I have heard another, less told, story about the true heroes who gave their lives to rescue those people. Some of them are even members of the Brotherhood of the Light. I am as surprised as you are. You might tell me that the Brotherhood is self righteous, condescending, corrupt and even oppressive; that the guild is known to be more interested in power grabbing and instilling fear in the populace to further their own ends, than they are in actually helping the people. In many cases you would be dead right. Some would even go so far as to say that it was the Brotherhood’s zealotry in taking over the Earth Guild, and recalling all the scholars to their “training camps”, which facilitated the slaughter of so many in Targosia. Even now their leadership argues amongst themselves and they fail to take action against the undead uprising. Yet I tell you now that there was at least one among them that you could have been proud to fight beside, who at least in the end knew what was truly important and who gave his very life in defense of the people. It was Regent Cole, founder of the Brotherhood of the Light. It was he who found the struggling caravan of refugees. It was his honor guard who fought the undead off so the people could reach shelter. Let me not forget the men among the refugees who despite being overwhelmed fought beside the Brotherhood and gave everything to help save their families….these are the Heroes who made the rescue possible. They defended the people to their last breath, with only shear determination and the will of Fortanis to keep them on their feet long enough for Regent Cole to cast a ritual protecting the people. Cole and his men gave their lives to buy the time needed for reinforcements to arrive and for the people to be brought to safety. Without the final sacrifice of our Regent, and the blood of his guards and the brave men who stood beside them, 200 or more innocents would have perished that day.

It was Cole’s final wish that with his death he could redeem himself, his son and his guild. I truly hope that his noble actions can remind his errant Brotherhood of the ideals their guild was founded on and show them the true light that should illuminate their path. In the meantime, I hope you all feel like I do – inspired.

- Delia Thorne
It is a shame that the physical passing of Brother Cole occured and it didnt happen to those who walk a more cowardly path. The same fire that burns in his veins burns in mine. It is a thankless job the role he played, slaughter the cowards and infidels who accept your hand in their moment of need to spit on you hours later.

I know that the spirit of Brother Cole now resides with the dragons and maybe he now in death will be able to act without the constraints placed on him that he had in life.

May your path brother be long, and ultimately victorious as you bring the truth on those who might not accept it unless at the end of a sword.

Khale Blacklight
Brotherhood of Light