A moment of reflection


On a snowy evening...

The snow that groans beneath my feet
Glitters between the shadows cast by the dying day.
A full moon lights the tops of trees.
Claws of bark,
Groping at the sky,
Barren, but for a raven
Enthroned among the branches.

A wind from the East brings the promises of Spring.

The booze that I drank
makes my head feel like a thousand trees have fallen on it.
Anyon won't stop laughing at me.
A tankard
sailing across the deck
at his head,
empty but for the froth spinning in every direction.

Fuzzy ate all the food again.

I think you're better at this than me.

- Evie

Thanks. I really needed a good laugh.

Not better, just different.

Warlord Michiko
You're a warlord now? Sweet!

I wanna be a warlord..

- Evie
I wanna play! I like bad zombie haikus. Here I go.

Scratches at the door,
countless hours scribing scrolls.
All of them flame bolts.

Osiris Riddle

PS, Archmages are way cooler than Warlords. Shoulda thought about that before you got dumb. Hugs and Kisses!
Yeah Evie, I'm actually really good at stabbing things in the face! Who'da thunk? You should definitely try out Warlordom. It is neat.

Osiris! You're helping us fight the mean Sadeen Mooreians right?

Here's my zombie haiku:

Rotting flesh comes off
Blood beneath my fingernails
Another neck snaps

Icing comes off cake
Deliciousness in the mouth
A butterfly feasts

Okay I lied I'm pretty much the best at this.

I'm prooooobably coming to Caldaria soon, Michiko! You should teach me Warlordom then.

- Evie

Excellent! I will teach you everything I know! (It won't take long)

That is if I live that long.
