A most magical discovery!


Chicago Staff
Fair people of Fairfax,

We at the Research and Development Branch of the Greater Earth Guild of Terna have been experimenting with magics surronding Permanent Circles of Power. We feel we've made an advancement in progress thanks to a few recently acquired materials by one Circle Master Marsters!

By studying the intense aura of the Thuddington circle and it's ability to speak to spirits upon guiding them back we've attempted to recreate this experience for the recently cast Circle in Westhaven. I'm proud to say we've made fantastic results, but we're not able to form the magic to stay. This is where we're enlisting all current members of the Earth Guild and those of potential prospects to search for a few materials needed for this casting.

The base for this ritual, is a Universal Speech scroll, and with the magics of various other materials, the magic of such a scroll can be harnessed into another form of communication, which we hope will allow communication with spirits upon resurrections. This is a glorious day in the discovery of new magics, and we at the Earth Guild R&D Branch strive to manipulate formal magics beyond their base form.

Please contact the Earth Guild privately for a list of materials needed.

- Master Kristoph Runebeard
On behalf of the citizenry of Westhaven, I would like to extend my congratulations to the Guild and its members for their accomplishments. Your dedication to the advancement of the magical arts in the service of Fairfax and its people continues to be an inspiration.

Thank you Master Runebeard, Circle Master Marsters, and all of the hardworking formalists who have committed their knowledge and resources to the collective cause of innovation and discovery. I wish you all the greatest success in your endeavors.

Acting Baroness Lady Neheris Fairfax
Thank you for those kind words Lady Fairfax. On behalf of Counselor Haven, and Apprentice Counselor Nearwander we're humbled by your words of praise.

- Master Kristoph Runebeard