A needed conversation with Isawda

Aengus Óg

Watching the last of the Fey being stomped into the ground. Vaegar smiles and turns about the battlefield scanning the faces of the survivors. A moment of hesitation prevents him from taking a step before he steels his nerves and makes his way towards Isawda of the Earthweavers.

He approches and bows slightly out of resect for his recent loss. "Master Isawda, might I have a quick word with before you continue about your duties?"
"Of course. What wish you good Vaegar? I have much on my mind this day, and little enough time. But you sir can have what you need of it."
Slapping the flat of his borrowed blade against the edge of his borrowed shield to set his grip more firmly, Kerza scans his immediate vicinity to discover that Vaegar has once again wandered out of his eye line. Frantically he races through the last remnants of the battle to find his employer. Catching sight of him speaking with the Sheriff, Kerza approaches, but keeps a respectful distance from the pair. Glaring at any other persons that may wander too close to his master potentially interrupting his conversation with the mourning Biata.
"Vargas, I will return and hear you when we next gather."

"I must prepare for life without Ithawda at my side." Isawda's voice is nearly as empty as his eyes. "I will return in a fortnight to burn a memory box for my lost soulmate."

"I hope that others will speak there memories and good wishes for Ithawda into the box. I am sure when it is burned she will hear and appreciate those messages."

"I know not how long after that i will remain, but I will make time to hear you fully then."
"Vargas, I will return and hear you when we next gather."

"I must prepare for life without Ithawda at my side." Isawda's voice is nearly as empty as his eyes. "I will return in a fortnight to burn a memory box for my lost soulmate."

"I hope that others will speak there memories and good wishes for Ithawda into the box. I am sure when it is burned she will hear and appreciate those messages."

"I know not how long after that i will remain, but I will make time to hear you fully then."
Reaching out a had to stay him from his departure, Vaegar moves close to his side. "Forgive me Master Isawda, I was put in to a pause in order to find the right words. Apologies, This will only take a moment. You mate was acquainted with me.....(Continued in PM)"
" I thank you." Veagar turns and heads back towards the commons.