Evo enters the Sanctum towers with Jinn and Calan. He finds a Lore Teacher on duty and instructs them:
"Please welcome Calan to the Arcane Sanctum. He will need to register with the guild immediately, and will begin his training under Jinn. We'll find him a bed here for now, and I'd like to introduce him to Ixit at his earliest convenience-- Calan has peculiar qualities that will make his research difficult but ultimately quite useful. In that vein, I'm assigning the High Orc Mal as his research partner. If you see Mal, please direct them appropriately."
"Please welcome Calan to the Arcane Sanctum. He will need to register with the guild immediately, and will begin his training under Jinn. We'll find him a bed here for now, and I'd like to introduce him to Ixit at his earliest convenience-- Calan has peculiar qualities that will make his research difficult but ultimately quite useful. In that vein, I'm assigning the High Orc Mal as his research partner. If you see Mal, please direct them appropriately."