A new recruit

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Evo enters the Sanctum towers with Jinn and Calan. He finds a Lore Teacher on duty and instructs them:

"Please welcome Calan to the Arcane Sanctum. He will need to register with the guild immediately, and will begin his training under Jinn. We'll find him a bed here for now, and I'd like to introduce him to Ixit at his earliest convenience-- Calan has peculiar qualities that will make his research difficult but ultimately quite useful. In that vein, I'm assigning the High Orc Mal as his research partner. If you see Mal, please direct them appropriately."
Jinn looks around to face Evo "If you have other business to attend to I will stay here with Calan until Mal is avalible. I'm sure that you have much to do with us being allowed back into The Lux. I imagine the guardians will have many tasks to keep us busy. As for you Initiate Calan, let's find you a bed and show you around the best I can. I'm sure I have a room around here somewhere..."
It just so happened that Mal was walking into the Samctum as the others conversed. They had a large grin on their face, and a piece of parchment in hand.

"Oh! Magus Evo an' Warmage Jinn! Hullo!" Mal took a moment to peer around them and look to see who was with them. "And Calan too. Hullo! I was gonna come see if ya needed any help, but I had leanin' 't do. I'm free now though. Seein' eye orc reportin' for duty!"
"It is good to see you Mal, your arrival couldn't have been planned any better. We are going to need you to spend time with Calan and assistant him in his research. The sanctum libraries are at your disposal, but please keep any findings between yourselves, as well as myself and Magus Evo. We can have a room prepared for you as well as we are unsure as to how much time will be needed for this research."

Jinn puts his hand on the young orcs shoulder

"I feel that you are the best fit for this job and your help in this endeavor is greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to ask if there is anything you need to help you with this research."

Jinn turns to Calan "As for you Calan, you have a wealth of knowledge at your disposal and a more then adequate assistant. Do not let this blindness discourage you, think of this whole situation as your first test as the newest member of The Arcane Sanctum. I am available for anything you need while you are researching, and I'm sure you will see me around as I have much to read up on as well."

Jinn smirkes at his last comment and pats Calan on the back.
A sense of warmth filled Calan's chest. He couldn't recall the last time he felt this way. Maybe when he and his sister had played together in their father's fields? At the thought of his sister, Calan's heart sank a little. Images of the nightmare realm began racing through his head as though he had just been there. Which brought back the very last picture he had of his sister. Calan shook his head now was not the time to dwell on such things.

Calan smiled, and with a little laugh.

" I will do my best not to let any of you down." he turned to where he thought Mal would be standing, pulled his mask off and smiled at them. " I am glad you're pleased to be my eyes." Mal had a way of keeping Calan's spirits up, he was grateful for this but at the moment was not sure how to articulate that to them.

"thank you all of you. Whenever you're ready Mal I would like to head to the libraries. That is once I have been shown where I can sleep."
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