A Note on Formal Scrolls for 415


Formal scrolls can only be read/identified by someone with at least 1 formal level in the correct school or in a permanent Celestial Circle of Power by an invested member. Otherwise they are unintelligible. This is written on the scroll:

Formal Magic Ritual scrolls can only be read by casters with at least one level of Formal Magic of the corresponding school. They can also be identified within a permanent Celestial Circle of Power by an invested member as if they were being read. To all others they appear as a piece of paper with unintelligible symbols upon it.
Unfortunately, as anyone knows who has actually looked at one, there is a large, underlined scroll title conveniently placed in the center of the bottom part of the page, meaning that even in trying to see what aspect it is (to see if you can read it) you are very, very likely to accidentally cheat and see the name of the scroll.

As more people start to get the ability to read formal magic (with the first few in our game being able to do so in May), we wanted to help clarify this and make it at least a little more difficult to accidentally cheat. Starting in April, all ritual scrolls will have their name covered up with a sticky or a cover sheet of some variety. This means that you can still read your rituals in the field if you have the ability, but also means that you won't just glance at it and realize which scroll it is.
Thanks! Any kind of small logistical change that keeps OOG information out of my hands is great.

Well done!
Lemme know if the fix I sent you works. :)
Would colored sheet protectors help? Blue = Celestial, Green = Earth, White = General?

That way you can sorta "sense" at a glance the type of power emanating from the scroll without having to read it?
Glad I could help. :)