A note stamped with a Silverstar

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With the Orcish incursion to the south, the kingdom has had it's hands full.
The Legion has also been pulled in multiple directions in hopes of
keeping people safe.
There's much work to do for the abled bodied. This coming weekend I
will be personally stopping by with a handful full of job board
postings marked with a Silverstar on them.
Anyone who can show me more 4 or more of these job board postings that
have been completed, I will offer a personal favor to.
I may not be a man of great wealth, or power. But, I have made a few
friends in my travels. So do not underestimate the value of such a

Be safe and I hope to see you all soon,
Jared Silverstar
Please seek me out, sir. I assure you, every job my friends and I take will be completed.

Nigel Allgood
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