A notice to all adventures in BriarPass


Public Relations Committee
I would like to refresh those who have not adventured here before or have been away for some time as to how things are distributed when they are found. If you adventure on your own or as a small group the distribution is up to those involved.

When there is such a presence that those adventures in the town need to gather in order to defeat such an enemy we do things differently. I know that in some communities that there is an every man for himself policy. That is not the case here. During such an excursion one trusted individual is the only such person allowed to search fallen enemies.

After which time everyone goes back to the tavern and we distribute all coin and production items, (potions, elixirs, gasses, weapons, ECT.) Since the price is set everyone will get either their share of coin or a combination of both.

Then we will auction any magic items and formal magic scrolls. Then the payment is further distributed amongst those who went.

This is what we as an adventuring community have agreed upon. It works for us.

I will not tolerate arguments about who fought harder then anyone else. Everyone has a purpose and I expect you to work with others to the best of your abilities. I will also not tolerate lay abouts.

Things are at a boiling point her in Wayside. I will need everyone citizen and foreigner alike to work their hardest, the fate of the entire people of Wayside rest in your hands.

Liddia FallingStar Regent of BriarPass
Thank you for the clarification Regent Fallin'star! I'm not sure if you've been followin' the news in our area but there 'as been much discussion of late on this very subject. I completely agree and look forward t' adventurin' in an area where equali'y is already assumed.

-Miss Alyce Sharp
Miss Sharp,

I thank you. I know that there will be some new faces around and I wanted things to be clear.
Do you have proper lodging for this market day? I look forward to meeting you in person.

Liddia FallingStar Regent of BriarPass
Pokethulu said:
Miss Sharp,

I thank you. I know that there will be some new faces around and I wanted things to be clear.
Do you have proper lodging for this market day? I look forward to meeting you in person.

Liddia FallingStar Regent of BriarPass

Regent Fallingstar,

It's kind of you t' ask. Actually, as it so 'appens I recently won some new travel lodgings. I will be bringing them with me t'set up shop. If you are open to it I would love t' 'ear your advice on 'elping' t' strengthen ones community over a glass of wine, my treat.

-Miss Alyce Sharp