A perm. Tent/structure @ Faireplay

Ithica said:
Well I was wondering If I could do something like this at the site.

I know you wanted it to stay kinda Renn. looking, But If i made a sub floor and then had this structure dropped, Effectively It could be taken down if needed, But I would not want to cart it to and from Ct. for each game.


Ever think of sending a private message to the Faire Play people?

I will add that it is a possibility and we are in discussions with other people about something similar.

Ithica said:
I see A LOT of lines of communication with Faire-play through these message boards, didn't think it was a big deal to post it here... :roll:

For general questions that's true. But this one is pretty specific and we'd rather discuss it off board.

A Spartan in Roman armor in A Viking tent. Nice!
