A Plea from the New GM!


NEPA Staff
Attention Alliance Players!

I hope this message finds you well during the off season. Many of you know that I have been asked to assume the mantle of General Manager at Alliance HQ. This is a very new role for me, but it is not my first time in charge of an organization. For those of you who do not know I have been managing people and businesses since I was 19 years old including many years now as a District Manager, previously for GameStop and most recently for Public Storage. This might mean I approach things differently, but hopefully the skills I bring to the table will benefit any player that attends or interacts with HQ.

The reason for getting your attention today is very simple. I DESPERATELY need player feedback about the HQ Chapter. Customer service and player reactions to the chapter are critical for the continued success of HQ and I take your feedback extremely seriously. What I am looking for today is just some basic information from you about your thoughts and feelings on HQ. I need to know what we do well and what we need to improve. I am not saying that I can fix every concern, but I can promise that while I am the GM at HQ I will absolutely listen to anything a player has to say be it praise or constructive criticism.

PLEASE, I entreat, I implore, nay sir/madam I BEG you, take 2 minutes of your time and send me a couple of sentences on what you like and what you want to see improve at the HQ chapter!

I have one caveat please do not send me individual/player specific problems. An example of this is “I sent 14 emails to plot, but never got a response”, or “my build is not correct.” If you want to note things like this to illustrate a point then by all means let me know, but make your over arching point as well. It is not that I am uninterested in these, far from it! I am just not set up to handle these issues at this time. There will be a separate communication as we get closer to the season asking you to send me any nagging individual issues so that I can try and take care of them. For now I just need general comments so that I can begin to learn what you need from me and the staff to improve your LARPing experience.

This message will also be followed up by a short survey that I am developing that will be sent via email and posted anywhere I can find so that you can send me more feedback. All information sent to me will be kept confidential and read by only by me.

I am open to communication. PM Me! Send me an FB message! Email me! I don’t care just talk to me about what you like/dislike so I can serve you to best of my ability.

Note: I don’t have access to the GM email yet, but will in about 2 weeks so use FB or PM for now, or email me at brianwhitham@hotmail.com.

Yours in Service,

Brian Whitham
General Manager
Alliance HQ Chapter
Our new GM is looking for your feedback in anyway he can get it. In this case, it will be anonymously for those who feel more comfortable giving it that way.

The fact is, we need to know what you like and dislike about our chapter or it's never going to change.

We NEED to hear from you.
We NEED to hear from any of your friends who have ever played HQ who might not see this message.

Spread the word, and take the survey. IT'S QUICK!!! IT'S EASY!!! IT WILL MAKE US A BETTER CHAPTER!!! Thanks everyone!

Who designed our logo? i't fricken' PIMP!
I haven't seen it blown up, usually it's 3 pixels wide on my phone. Well done. :)
Having previously worked with/for Brian in a professional capacity, I feel confident in his ability to lead our chapter in an efficient and creative way. Here's to looking forward to a great LARPing experience on his watch! :thumbsup: