A Plea ...

This is a plea to Celestial, Great Dragon of Time and Space...

I know you are busy learning who and what you are... But I ask you to think on some things for my sake....

I will never ask anything from you- the only thing I want from you is that you will see the light and dark in all things--- and more times than not choose the light. That you will see those weaker than you, like myself, not as insignificant but as being of a different value.

Remember all things and beings have value... An apple tree you burnt down was providing needed food to a family. The wagon you smashed was the only way a farmer could bring his crops to market. That small thing you crushed so easy had a life just like your own.

I know you have had many challenges already in your life and have felt more alone than was right. Those that love you and care about you are not as strong or as skilled as you, so there are places you go that we cannot follow... But we have always waited and hoped.

Remember those you love, myself and your mother, are fallible beings and make mistakes- but the love we have for you is NOT Fallible-- it has followed you and never wavered- it never will. Even when you choose to strain it- it is too strong even for your dragon fire.

I would not be so bold to tell you how to live, I am no Dragon, but I am a woman you claim to care about.... So I ask you find the light of YOUR OWN CHOICES and let it guide you. You make your future no one else... NO ONE ELSE. Please mind your choices and think of your mother and myself when you make them.

I hope to see you soon, but until then- Please Celestial- think on what I have said.

In Love and Service,
Love is better than anger.
Hope is better than fear.
Optimism is better than despair.
So let us be loving, hoping, and optimistic.
And we will change the world.

I just don't know who to listen to anymore.

Is love so good? It hurts to love and I see the end of love and the hurts it causes... A man mother loved is fighting a whole war because he loves an idea but he might lose if he can't let go of love.

Hope is the spark by which men and women set off firestorms and destroy themselves and others.. Hope without fear is the kiln with the door ajar with flames licking at the chance to ashen lives.

Is change to be? Should it be? My people were and could be again but...


I have not the abilities that you possess, I cannot peek ahead not behind to see the outcome of an action. But I can tell you from what I have in my short and insignificant life is that LOVE IS GOOD. Mind you I did not say Love did not hurt. On the contrary I would say love hurts most of all things in the world. It hurts to have and it hurts to loose- but it also brings forth all good things so we must suffer its slings and arrows to enjoy its rewards.

I cannot say what your mothers friend is fighting is not justified for I have no knowledge of it. But love and things loved are very very difficult to let go of, for any reason. Perhaps in time he will see a way to let it go, but if not he will pay for his choices in an currency deemed and to the extant he is able.

Ahh- hope.... I cannot say you are entirely wrong in your view of it, my dear. But you are not in my opinion entirely correct- hope does spark and burn - but not all is lost to its flames, much is renewed by it. It burns away obstacles and blocks. I makes thing new and strong as in a blacksmith's fire. It awakens hearts and minds and melts away chains. Hope an eternal and frightening mistress that few truly court and less actually know. It up to those who accept hope and feed it's flames to direct the fire of it where it need to be and away from those innocents that many suffer for it. It is a heavy burden for those who choose to carry that flame and protect others from the possible adverse effects.

Change is not something we can choose to happen or not happen, Sweet Dragon- it happens. We can direct it and we can prepare for it but we can not stop it.

As for your people, if they be like you I would very much like to meet them.

I cannot and will not tell you what to do Celestial- as I am temporal and terra - you are time and space- I am a speak in the wind while you are the wind itself. I have no desire to tell the wind where to blow, only ask it to find kindness and thought in all it does.

I am not here to judge you Celestial nor am I here to try and change you. I am here to love you and give you a safe and calm port as you explore the world. I would very much like to be what you think of when you make choices- not to influence them but to shine a light on what would suit you best.

I hope the ramblings I share make a kernel of sense to you. Till we meet again- Be well Great Dragon of Time and Space.

In Loving Service,
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