A Proclamation Goes Out Across the Land


Hear Ye All The Words of Your King

Many Rumors Abound, many Traitors Lurk, and Many more Truths are Yet to be Told.

Let it be known that Jocelyn Raash and Maeve Attwater are hereby stripped of all land and title. They have repeatedly disobeyed orders, placed their own judgment over that of their rightful King, and proven themselves to be traitors to the crown and country. A 50 gold bounty for information leading to the capture and death of either of them or on their fellow traitor Baran "Bucky" Buchaneon is now open.

Briarpass will become part of the Grand Duchy of Arbor under the direct control of the King. Buckland and Arcland, as previously announced, will be united under the reign of Duchess Neheris Fairfax.

The Dukedom of Targosia will be dissolved as the region has proven troublesome for the last time. The ground is to be salted and forgotten.

Finally, the Solar's Guild of Wayside is to be dissolved and all assets seized by the crown in punishment for their seditious acts and destruction of the King's property.

At this time we would like to thank the loyal nobles of Tymphany, Centaras, Gatik, Koshinari, Eastwood, Westwood, Northshire, and Southland for their continued support and the levies of troops and supplies which each have pledged to the reunification of the great Kingdom of Wayside. The loyal soldiers of Our royal army are already en route to crush this rebellion in the West of our nation.

High Duke of Arbor including the realm of Briarpass, Defender of the Realm, Slayer of the foul creature Rheinious Thargatien, and King of Wayside...
Gregor Eisenhorn
Oh s***!

I haven't been to Wayside in a while, but this seems bad. Heh.

Also, only 50 gold for information? That doesn't seem like much given the circumstances... Especially with all the cool new land and things the kingdom got!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Radi
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Your Majesty,

I implore you while there is still time...please consider your words, and above all your oaths to your people. How can a needless conflict advance the safety of the people? How can a broken monarchy spell anything but trouble for all involved?

I challenge you to search within your heart, and find once again that which drove you to fight for your people in Thargosia, to throw off the shackles of the Vampire Prince and to bring the fight to the people of these lands. You fought with resolve and grace in those dark nights, and were the champion of the realm, a true warrior worthy of the title you've bestowed upon yourself and removed from me: Defender of the Realm.

In those times of trouble, you earned my heart, my loyalty, and my spirit to fight by your side, in what I was certain was all things. You spoke of justice, more importantly of justice for all, not simply those of nobility. You spoke of freedom for the people of Wayside, all people. You spoke of balanced monarchy, tempered by the wisdom of what would become your Ducal council. You fought for freedom for the slaves of our country, you breathed freedom from the tyranny the Vampire Targus sought to impose on all. You unchained the might of the adventuring community and bade them move swiftly, rewarding them and folding them into our community. Above all, you dreamed of a Kingdom with Conscience.

I bled for that dream, I fought for that dream, and will fight for that till my tired body cannot draw breath. What's more, the adventuring community, and their companions and allies bled and died for that dream. I took my oaths to you seriously, and still do, as do the oaths many adventurers took for you still are etched into their minds and hearts. They've gone to war for you and would do so again because of that dream, and because of the oaths you took.

Remember those oaths Your Majesty, Gregor, I beg of you. You swore to defend balanced justice, you promised to have no one stand above the laws of the land and the will of the free peoples of Wayside. That oath, your majesty, is the compulsory requirement of your station. Even you are not above justice, and the process of the laws you signed into being on that night when we all knelt to you. You owe the people of this country their deserved reward, your honesty, your justice.

I obeyed your call, I answered and came but was assaulted by your men as I approached, the same for Maeve Atwater your humble servant and Duchess of your former lands. Where is the justice in this your Majesty! I serve at your bidding, but you serve by that of your Ducal council. I know the laws governing your rulership have not been changed by that process and so I call you to recant these false accusations and give a chance for a peaceable adjustment to be made before it is too late.

I am your humble servant, yours to command, LAWFULLY. I cannot abide recent actions nor shall I subject my protectorate to tyranny such as I recently witnessed at the feast. I beg you once more, call off this senseless violence before it becomes yet another stain on our young Kingdom.


Jocelyn Raash
Former Duke of Briarpass
Former High Magistrate of Arbor
Former Defender of the Realm
Still your friend...
To Gregor Eisenhorn, King of Wayside and other stuff that you are,

I have obtained information concerning the 'traitor' Jocelyn Raash-A proclamation made by him in response to your own notice about taking his lands and titles and stuff:

Your Majesty,

I implore you while there is still time...please consider your words, and above all your oaths to your people. How can a needless conflict advance the safety of the people? How can a broken monarchy spell anything but trouble for all involved?

I challenge you to search within your heart, and find once again that which drove you to fight for your people in Thargosia, to throw off the shackles of the Vampire Prince and to bring the fight to the people of these lands. You fought with resolve and grace in those dark nights, and were the champion of the realm, a true warrior worthy of the title you've bestowed upon yourself and removed from me: Defender of the Realm.

In those times of trouble, you earned my heart, my loyalty, and my spirit to fight by your side, in what I was certain was all things. You spoke of justice, more importantly of justice for all, not simply those of nobility. You spoke of freedom for the people of Wayside, all people. You spoke of balanced monarchy, tempered by the wisdom of what would become your Ducal council. You fought for freedom for the slaves of our country, you breathed freedom from the tyranny the Vampire Targus sought to impose on all. You unchained the might of the adventuring community and bade them move swiftly, rewarding them and folding them into our community. Above all, you dreamed of a Kingdom with Conscience.

I bled for that dream, I fought for that dream, and will fight for that till my tired body cannot draw breath. What's more, the adventuring community, and their companions and allies bled and died for that dream. I took my oaths to you seriously, and still do, as do the oaths many adventurers took for you still are etched into their minds and hearts. They've gone to war for you and would do so again because of that dream, and because of the oaths you took.

Remember those oaths Your Majesty, Gregor, I beg of you. You swore to defend balanced justice, you promised to have no one stand above the laws of the land and the will of the free peoples of Wayside. That oath, your majesty, is the compulsory requirement of your station. Even you are not above justice, and the process of the laws you signed into being on that night when we all knelt to you. You owe the people of this country their deserved reward, your honesty, your justice.

I obeyed your call, I answered and came but was assaulted by your men as I approached, the same for Maeve Atwater your humble servant and Duchess of your former lands. Where is the justice in this your Majesty! I serve at your bidding, but you serve by that of your Ducal council. I know the laws governing your rulership have not been changed by that process and so I call you to recant these false accusations and give a chance for a peaceable adjustment to be made before it is too late.

I am your humble servant, yours to command, LAWFULLY. I cannot abide recent actions nor shall I subject my protectorate to tyranny such as I recently witnessed at the feast. I beg you once more, call off this senseless violence before it becomes yet another stain on our young Kingdom.


Jocelyn Raash
Former Duke of Briarpass
Former High Magistrate of Arbor
Former Defender of the Realm
Still your friend...

Should this lead to the capture of said person, I expect 50 gold for this contribution to your cause. You're welcome.

-Taios Irani, Goblin Extraordinaire, Senior Underlackey of the House of Games, Bearer of the Shriveled Head, and Keeper of Secrets

As the one who gave you that idea, I expect at least 50% of that gold. Also, I'm pretty your titles don't mean anything.

Your Older Brother
Master of the Waymaker Stones
Apprentice to Mathis - Order of the Emerald Flame

First off, **** YOU I WAS OUT FIRST!!

Second, if you had messaged the KING first, then you would be able to get 50 gold out of the misery of a stranger, but I got there first, so I win.

And third, You're just jealous that I have a ton of cool titles.

With much love and affection,
Taios Irani, Supreme Undergoblin of the House of Games, Destroyer of Sandwiches, Keeper of the Shriveled Skull, and Singer of Tales
Taios, I am giving you one fair warning that if you make any atemp at collecting this reward we shall have some very serious words.

Banradi, you should know better then to speak before the true information.

-Messenger, Guard, and Loyal Servent of the Former Duke of Wayside Jocelyn Raash
It always amazes me how quickly adventurers will jump to one side or the other, it seems to me there is still time for a Lawful, and civil resolution.

-Lord Enan Bluewater under the Duchess Fairfax
To Tets the Mailman,

I enjoy serious conversation quite a bit! Debating topics of interest always puts me in a good mood, especially when it's about things that a Greenskin like me can understand. However, I don't understand what it is you were trying to tell my twin brother Banradi-could you please elaborate?

And to
-Lord Enan Bluewater under the Duchess Fairfax

Aren't you an adventurer? Does your statement apply to you as well then, or only those who you just know you're better than?

I realize that, as a Noble you must have 'responsibilities' that keep you away from the battlefield, but in a situation where a person's life is on the line, it is up to an adventurer to quickly analyze a situation and attempt to find the right course of action. A moment's hesitation on discerning friend from foe can mean your hide in a combat situation-just ask anyone who's seen Durk berserk in the middle of a battle TOWARDS FRIENDLY COMBATANTS. Is it then somehow surprising that an adventurer-true, a Greenskin, but let's not stoop to such levels as to undermine me based on my current race-would see a situation and make a quick judgement based on instinct and experience? Or is it just in your nature to make quick generalizations about autonomous people who don't necessarily prescribe to the idea that a Noble Title gives someone the right to judge them from a seat of false morality.

By the way, King Eisenhorn, that second paragraph is also for you.

-Taios Irani
So all we have to do is find information on the Duke, turn him in and get 50g....why, that can feed my family forever....I could even buy a grand house. In fairness he's a traitor, that's what the King says and all, so there can't be any harm.

Guess I'll go start looking for him!

- Taylor Bernardo