A Proclamation of House Pryderi

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Strava Plot

Gettysburg Staff
*An announcement is posted in the Tavern of Geistbadden and in the surrounding areas*

Good people of Pryderi, Adventurers of Barran, and honored guests,

We, House Pryderi, would give thanks for the service rendered us in Geistbadden, this past spring. We are most thankful for your care and efficiency in regaining the land that had been lost to our people. Geistbadden is returned to us and is being made whole, even as we speak. We would give specific recognition to those that have sacrificed their own goods, coins, skills, and labor to rebuilding the town. We know that the people are most humbled by your magnanimous acts.

The Baron of Geistbadden is returned to his full duties and responsibilities to the town and its surrounding land. We order Her Grace, Maebh nic Siohann, to return to her full duties over the northwest region, so that the order of things may return to its right process. Her Grace is to return, upon completion of a brief recuperation, within the month.

We, House Pryderi, thank all who have given service and wish all well.

So it is named, so it shall be.

Long live the King! Long live Islan Tel'Nava!
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