A Promise of Utopia


Chicago Staff
[The following is heard in the dreaming in a soothing, collective voice without anger or rage]

1000 years ago the world was in turmoil. Wars were causing the deaths of thousands. Plagues and famine were causing even more deaths. Borders, pieces of land man claims to own caused unnecessary conflict. There was greed and jealousy, along with no sign of hope in sight. The world has not changed in my absence. The world will destroy itself shortly, that is what I see in the dreams and nightmares of all of you.

You crave peace, but have no means to achieve it. You desire happiness, but it's always taken away from you. You strive to see your loved ones unharmed, but yet day after day you greet them one final time in the Earthen circles. There is only misery in this world, and it's time to finally rid yourselves of that burden.

One year ago I was set free to continue to bring a utopia to all those in the land. History may not remember, but the world was close to experiencing true Bliss. However, that joy was taken away from all of you in an act of selfishness caused by 13 tyrannical thieves. They set out to prevent such a gift from being given, and now because of their act, such nightmares continue to haunt the lands to this very day.

To any that have knowledge to the location of the remaining 8 thieves, I will offer you desires beyond you can possibly imagine. These 8 should not be allowed to destroy this world for you, for they are but evil creatures that must be stopped:

Libara, the Medusa
Caprika, the Harpy
Gemini, the Lunari Elf
Aquari, the Dryad
Scorpio, the Wylderkin
Torg, the Kobold
Ari, the Wylderkin

Leon, the Manticore

I promise to finish what I started. Terna will know Bliss again. It is the only way to prevent the land from dying. All I can do is ensure you all are given happiness and an absolute utopia for which your deepest dreams have longed for. Regardless if the thieves are caught, in 15 short months, all will be at peace, all will be as one, and a utopia shall be created.

Speak my name in the Dreaming, and I shall hear you, for I am the Dreaming. I see and hear all within, and that is how I know what you all truly want, even if you're afraid to admit it.

I am called Kaz'ik, and I will save you from yourselves.

- Kaz'ik
Hey Kaz'ik!

Just curious, but why do you want those people dead? I only know Aquari, and she's really nice, but I'm sure the rest of these people don't need to die too, if they're on a list with Aquari, they must all be friendly I guess... I'd really like to meet all of you if I can! Also, what happens in 16 months if they aren't dead, which I hope they aren't because I don't wanna lose any friends!

Oh! And Kaz'ik! Do you go by Bob sometimes? People keep using those two names in conjunction and it's kinda confusing so I wanna clear that up. And how can you REALLY know what I want, unless you can get in my brain. I mean... Does it hurt when you go inside someone's brain? Them or you, just asking. You said a lot of interesting things and I just wanna clear some things up because I don't really understand what you're talking about, but that's the best way to learn is to ask!

Keeper of Secrets,
Librarian of Fairfax Library,