A question about MI's and the Castle Event


Regarding this attunement quest that needs to be undertaken: realistically how likely is it to be able to go on one at the begining of the event? Is this policy in place to let frequent travelers to SoMn gradually bring in their stuff, or is it actually a quick way for one-time traveleres to play with their toys?

I saw that Arcane armor is auto attuned, but only if it is on a stand alone item. Is it one quest per effect? per item? does everything get attuned? Is their a difference between attuning Restricted and LCO items?

I am looking for a non-FOIG answer, seeing as this is an OOG Magic Item policy. Traveling that far requires quite a commitment and I'd like to have some idea of what I'd be getting into. Also, considering this is a large gathering, is their going to be time for attunement quests?

Since there are so many travelers I suspect people will make time to attune items.
It is one attunment per item, BUT the more powerful the item the harder it is to attune. How long it last factors in significantly.
You can only do one item a day, so you could possible attune two items.
It is in place, I believe, to let people bring in their MIs at an ok rate, but not to overwhelm the town with a very lopsided power vacumm that many MIs could cause, since this is a very new chapter.

This is not an official response, so I could be wrong, but I am fairly certain it is correct.
The attunement system works like this. Each person can assist, or attempt to attune one item per logistics period, wether it's thier item or a friends, Items can be attempted as many times as needed, although obviously it's unlike to try for the same item twice in a logistics period. The attunement challenge is based on the strength and longevity of the item in question although the specifics are a Foig issue, any effects that are freely transfered do not count towards this.

I expect there to be attunement attempts at the gathering, but I do not expect them to be happening immediately, before the first battle. However we are sensitive to the needs of people traveling a good distance and coming in for such an...active game, and a number of in game groups will be reaching out in a variety of ways to help ensure that characters have the opportunity to fill in some basics (such as armor) for at least the short term.

Overall the attunement policy is intended to see travelers bring in one or two items an event if that is a primary concern, with greater team work being required the more powerful the item is.
ok that makes sense. one follow-up question.

Lurin said:
Each person can assist, or attempt to attune one item per logistics period, wether it's thier item or a friends,

Does this mean one attunement quest per person per period, regardless of helping or if it's your item? Meaning if I bring five friends, and we all want to attune our magic swords, can we go on five quests together or do we have to pick the one sword that we will attune. Unless we each solo our own quest?


the attunement cave will only let you in once a logistics period, and only one item can be attuned per admittance. So go solo or only attune one.
Generally, your best bet is if you want help is to ask some of the SoMN chapter natives to help you, as we pretty much don't have anything we need attuned :P
DracoIam said:
the attunement cave will only let you in once a logistics period, and only one item can be attuned per admittance. So go solo or only attune one.

This is correct, there is an intentional decision here, more people make it more likely the attempt is successful, but also means less over all attempts (assuming "everyone" is attuning stuff) Each character is only allowed in one per day and each item must be attempted seperately.
More questions!

Do you allow the warding of individual bunks, or sets of bunks, if a physrep is taped/tacked/secured to the ceiling? So, with the 16 bunk room, could I make a little secure area? very paranoid to be travelling alone, not going to lie.

What time does "game-on" usually happen, and how long after that does logisitics stay open? How late is too late? and I should just arrive the next morning?

Thanks for your patience, I am on the fence. I would like to make it, but I dunno.

*Edit: nvm, I can't afford the trip alone. Thanks anyway*
