A question for all.

So I am new here, and I am sure other newcomers would love to hear the answer to this.
If you remember your first hour LARPing, how did it go?
The first hour eh,

Well I accaully started officially larping through Nero Chicago when I was 16. I had some friends who had played their and figured I would enjoy it. Now technically my first hour was spent learning the ins and outs and making a character at a preview day. But the first hour of my first event was also a key point.

There was nothing we were just introducing ourselves to each other, when suddenly giant misquitos arrived. I don't remember why myself and my dad were part of the first ones out to attempt to quickly beat them down(it took forever because they, well they were large bigs that were quick). Then we meet the noblity of the lands and finished introductions to the rest. I don't remember if all the newwer folk that event had a separate mod to go on but I think we may have.

Anyways that was my "first" hour. I am 18 now and this will be me second year playing with Alliance. I love it and the community of people so much. Don't be afraid to get in the fight with everyone else because you are needed to(enven if those things are swinging something that can drop you. Trust me it will be OK and someone should be there to pick you back up should that happen.)

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