A Return to My Watch


Chicago Staff
Greetings and salutations to my fellow Rathfallians and our illustrious Unbounded companions.

Murder, conspiracy and espionage pull this humble sleuth out of retirement and to the forefront of the scene that many of you are dealing with.

Tis I, Cornelius Abode, world renowned watch detective. Known for the capture of many rebels, murderers, thieves, necromancers, vampires and more throughout the last century. Tis with a heavy heart I take up my mantle again, however, the possibility of our great nation plunging into an unbridled chaos is something I cannot have occur again. I was there when the "changing of the guard" happened and the thousands lost still sit upon my spirit.

I come to you for aid! Knowledge is power and the more I can gather, the better off I will be for my employer in solving the mysteries plaguing our fair lands.

I would ask anyone with information in regards to the murder, maiming and dismemberment of a Mistweaver guard please reach out to me this coming market. I will head in for sustenance between the bells of 12 and 2.

Also, I am looking for a gentleman, tall in height, stout in stature. I believe my research has him going by the name of Aiden. If possible, please let the goodman know I look forward to speaking with him soon. His assistance will be most appreciated.
I thank you all in advance for your cooperation and understanding as I pursue the truth with relentless precision.

Yours in service to justice,

Cornelius Abode
Watch Detective
World’s Greatest Detective