A Serpent's Voice

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Turtle sssssslain...
Vulture ssssslain...
Sssssssstag sssssssslain...
Boar ssssssslain...
Ssssssssscorpion ssssssslain...

It issss progresssssss, but it ssssshall not lasssssst if one Beassssst cannot be convinccccced...
Already one that wassss sssssslain hassss begun to reincarnate anew...
If too much time wasssssted, the ressssst will sssssssurely follow itssss lead...

- A soft, hissing voice
Turtle sssssslain...
But it sssstalksssss as youth again...
Vulture ssssslain...
But it ssssstalks as youth again...

Ssssshell and wing have not grown sssssstrong yet...
But ssssstrength comesssssss with age...
Waiting too long makessssss children into adultssssss...
And both age fassssster than mosssssst...

Sssssssstag sssssssslain...
Boar ssssssslain...
Ssssssssscorpion ssssssslain...

Frog ssssssslain...
Ape sssssssslain...

Now there are only two that have not been approached...

Sssssstalking in woodsssss...
Sssssssilent and quick...

Lurking in lake...
Patient and hungry...

- A soft, hissing voice
Turtle ssssssssslain and reborn...
Vulture ssssslain, reborn, and ssssssslain...
Sssssstag sssssssslain...
Boar ssssslain...
Ssssssscorpion sssssslain...

Frog sssssslain...
Ape ssssssslain...

A bargain hasss been sssssstruck...
Crocodile hasssss done what wassss ssssssought...
Immortal no longer to sssssstuff its great maw...
Hunger hasssss led it down the path of the Ssssssssserpent...
The othersssss sssssuppressssssed by ssssuch actionsssss...

Reborn Turtle remainssss...
Mantissssss remainssssss...
Vulnerable to an imprissssssoning death...
No longer immortal...

If they are ssssslain, the Nine Beassssstssss will never ssssssstalk again...
That issssss, if Crocodile livessssssss forever...

- A soft, hissing voice
Turtle ssssssssslain, reborn, and ssssssssssslain...
Vulture ssssslain, reborn, and ssssssslain...
Sssssstag sssssssslain...
Boar ssssslain...
Ssssssscorpion sssssslain...

Frog sssssslain...
Ape ssssssslain...

Mantissssssss ssssssslain...

One Beassssst where Nine onccccce walked...
Crocodile the one the follow the Sssssserpent's path and none left to opposssssse it...
With hungry jawssssss, peaccccce isssss brought to the land...

The Eight Beassssssstsssss held back from thissssss world...
Ssssuppressssssed while Crocodile'sssssss heart continuessssss to beat...
I assssssk but one more favor of you...
Keep it ssssssafe, for it'sssssss death ssssshall undo what wasssss done...

By all that ssssslitherssss and sssslidessss, I offer the thankssssss of my kind...
The Ssssssserpent would have been pleassssed with your deedsssss...

- A soft, hissing voice
Turtle sssssslain...
Vulture sssssslain...
Sssstag sssssslain...
Boar sssssssslain...
Sssssssssscorpion ssssssslain...

Frog sssssssslain...
Ape sssssssslain...

Mantisssssssss sssssssslain...
But Crocodile ssssssssssssssslain for the final time...
Itsssss gluttonousssss peaccccccce brought to an end, and Eight will walk again for itssssss fall...



What issssss done issss done, but it can be undone...
They will be reborn, but that meanssssss there issss another chancccccce...
Perhapsssssss another will walk the path of Ssssssssserpent and Crocodile...
Perhapssssssss peacccccce can be brought back...
Or at leasssssssst, I hope ssssso...

- A soft, hissing voice